
Monday 24 February 2014

Tweet Tweet!

I had a fairly quiet day of productive sewing yesterday!

I'm working on a birdie cushion for my sister's birthday ....

paper pieced birdies

I found this free paper pieced pattern on McCall', and each bird currently stands at 5" x 6".

And I got a Pippi finished for Bee Blessed:

Pippi Longstocking Block for Bee Blessed Feb14

As well as getting a few more French General Grannies finished, by 8pm I couldn't resist cutting into a Scrumptious Layer Cake with my Half Hexie ruler!  Less than an hour later I had this ...

Half Hexie Scrumptuous Quilt
Yes that is sunshine coming through the window!
This quilt will be a present for my friend who is having a significant birthday (wink wink) in May!

And this morning my back is reminding me of what a fun and productive sewing day I had yesterday!!

Happy Monday!

Jude xo


  1. Those birds are so cute! Love the hexies too! Hope your back feels better :-)

  2. Those birds are absolutely adorable! And I love Pippi too :-)

  3. Te birds are really sweet. I haven't tried paper piecing yet.

  4. They're all beautiful but I absolutely love those birdies!!! Thanks for the link although I'm a total failure at paper piecing. :)

  5. The little birds are too cute for words! Your fabric choices are lovely.
    Yippee for that ray of sun! Hope you soaked it up!

  6. Love all the things you got done, hope the back feels better soon!

  7. Love the birds! And the hexies! Hope the back gets better soon xx

  8. Those birds are so cute! Sorry to hear about the back ache, hope it recovers soon x

  9. I absolutely love those birds. Loving Pippa and the hexies! Great feeling when you have achieved so much. Have a great day. Marie x

  10. Love the tweet birdies Jude!


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