
Saturday 1 February 2014

Happy Days!

I've never been so glad to see the back of January!  It was dark and long!

I appreciate the weather isn't much better on this first day of February, but we are that wee bit closer to spring and psychologically that makes me feel much better!

Here is my roundup for January!

Jan14 Roundup

It has felt busier than what I have to show for it!

Some of these projects are samples for next term's classes.  Hoping to reveal more soon.

Linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day!

Jude xo


  1. January is so dark, I too am glad it has passed. You have had a wonderful month.

  2. Great wee selection of projects :o)

  3. Nice bright projects for January

  4. Hi Judith! Your mosaic is wonderful and you have made many beautiful things in January! I made today also mosaic and it was hard to to fill it ... what I have been doing all the January? x Teje

  5. In the afternoon the sun came out but the morning was stormy and flooded. At least we enjoyed the snowfall last night! Gorgeous projects

  6. I am putting in an order for some sunshine soon. Please? Can't wait to see more of the projects you've not shown us for real yet.

  7. A fabulous mosaic of activity Judith! Looking forward to seeing more soon!!

  8. Beautiful makes there Jude.
    Di x

  9. You made pretty things in January... I'm right there with you in looking ahead to more daylight hours to sew by!

  10. I still think the see-through pouch is the cleverest thing I've seen in a while!


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