
Saturday 22 February 2014


Most of what I've been sewing lately I can't show you yet!!  So sorry!

There have been a few collaborations ........

Retro Butterflies
Using my Hera to mark out the quilting lines
I can't wait to show you this finished class sample!

School House Foundation Piecing

And here, I arm-twisted asked my super talented friend to add her stitchery magic to another class sample.

I've also been trying to turn a French General into a Granny!!

French General Granny Squares
Fabrics are Josephine by French General
Geddit? Sadly, this is more shhhhhhhh sewing! So no more details just yet!

Thank you for your patience! Wishing you all happy sewing time this weekend!

Jude xo


  1. Love the French General fabrics. You used nice colours.

  2. As long as you're having fun it doesn't matter if it is shhhhh-ing sewing or not.

  3. More gorgeous sewing!! I really like the idea of adding a little embroidery every now and again.

  4. Heh, I think you have a cunning plan to make Sarah a teacher longer term ;o) Looking great what we can see :o)

  5. Susan's right: as long as you're having fun we can live with the secret sewing...for now!!

  6. It's all in the way you flutter your eyelashes and use the puppy dog eyes, I'm a sucker for it! These sneaks are so exciting. Love ya babe!

  7. Hi Judith! Your Project looks adorable and I love the embroidery - we should do that more! Hope to see more soon! Have a great weekend! x Teje

  8. Gorgeous looking forward to seeing more! The embroidery on the linen is beautiful. Marie x

  9. Lovely projects, and we are all entitled to a few secrets!

  10. I can cope with secret sewing - looking good xxx

  11. Can't wait to see it all unveiled. Love your embroidered flowers!


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