
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Words Aptly Spoken

There's a Proverb in the Bible that has inspired me for most of my life:

"Words aptly spoken are like apples of gold in settings of silver."

I want to stay reminded of the power of words, how the right ones can be like giving someone the treasure of gold and silver.  And I've had many lovely words of encouragement spoken over me recently. 

So as I thought of what to make a friend from church, who has greatly encouraged me, this proverb became my inspiration.

Ann-Marie's Journal Cover

My trusty Irish linen was pulled out again, and for some reason I really wanted a square tree to house my golden apple!

Ann-Marie's Journal Cover

What moto are you living by this year?

Ann-Marie's Journal Cover

Jude xo


  1. now that's so totally wonderfully adorable, Judith. It's perfect, love the golden apple on a square tree,too.

  2. A beautiful gift, wise words, and as always - I am envious of your skills to write letters with your machine.

  3. That is are so talented. As for me I'm very much a "live and let live" kind of girl, along with my Nan's maxim that you should try to live your life as a Mrs Do-As-You-Would-Be-Done-By.......fairly tricky on lots of days!! xx

  4. Love this Judith. you are so thoughtful.

  5. That is one thoughtful and meaningful gift. It brought a tear to my eye as it really struck a note with me. Di x

  6. My handwriting isn't even that best never mind machine writing!! I'm not very good at free motion!! It's wonderful to have good friends isn't it x

  7. Such a lovely and thoughtful gift. I'm sure your friend will love it. One quote that I really like is "Someday. That's a dangerous word....It's really just a code for never" from the film Knight & Day - not particularly high-brow but really grabbed me when I heard it!!!

  8. You are the cutest, most thoughtful person. Wonderful gift, J.

  9. I love that verse too. Any gift from you is special... as I know. Whoever is the recipient will love it.

  10. Oh, that's gorgeous! you're such a lovely friend, I bet your church friend is as pleased to have you as you are to have her.

  11. How lovely! Encouragement is to be greatly valued. Love your interpretation of the scripture in fabric.

  12. Beautiful x
    And my motto - 'quick, no-one will notice!"!!

  13. Beautiful! Someone is really lucky

  14. What a beautiful gift with a lovely sentiment :-) my phrase this year seems to be.. "don't worry it will be fine!"

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. So lovely, Judith! Proverb and project alike. Love those wee mushrooms!

  17. Simply beautiful. I don't have a motto for the year, but my word is RELAX as I am trying not to be so stressed out with things. According to my husband I am not doing too well with it so far.


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