
Saturday 4 January 2014

New Patterns!

Hi everyone, I hope you are having a great start to the new year!

It's been a little stormy around here! But thankfully no significant damage or harm done! 

Not even a high tidal surge could stop a few friends and I from having a wee jaunt out to a fabric shop yesterday!

I was very reserved in my purchases!

fabric 002 (2)

The super soft fleece will be backing for a quilt I currently have in progress. And the LV fat quarters?  Well they just sort of fell into my hands!!  Tee hee!

I've also been updating my Etsy shop, converting all my patterns into instant downloadable pdfs on purchase, as well as adding a few new ones:

Peg Bag Class samples
Peg bags (applique templates included)
Ipad Cover, Kindle Cover, Mini Ipad Cover
Just before Christmas my students road tested a few of these patterns for me.

Gifts Class Dec13

And I've also put on Etsy the pattern for the Applique cushions which were also tackled in class last year!

PicMonkey Collage

So if you fancy having a go at any of these patterns, you can find them (& more) here.

Stay safe peeps - the next wave of stormy weather kicks in Sunday!



  1. Oh I'm loving them all Jude, but especially the peg bags! Happy new year xxx

  2. All fabulous cushions, and a great idea to have them as instantly downloadable pdf's, you know how impatient us stitchy types are :o)

  3. Mmmmm, fabric! Love those cushions Jude! Happy new year! Stay safe!

  4. Great patterns J. I hope that you don't get blown away in the wind. Stay inside and sew sounds like a good choice. Di x

  5. Oh I hate it when fabric takes that leap ;o) Great job on all the patterns :o)

  6. Stay warm and dry too - it was meant to be the 'best day of the weekend' today - it rained all day!

  7. it is so fun to see your pattern store growing like this, those are all excellent new ones.

  8. love your fabrics .. stay warm and safe .. and maybe cut and use a little fabric xx

  9. Just a random thought, would you ever consider doing a Saturday class on free motion quilting? I'm a bit scared to try it without some guidance haha x

  10. The fleece is lovely! Would absolutely love it but I could not find any here. Great that you had so many testers. The pillows are just gorgeous

  11. Great fabrics! Love the patterns, too!


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