
Thursday 26 December 2013

Winners all round!

Firstly, let me announce the winner of my blogiversary giveaway.

And Moira was the last qualifying person to comment, lucky number 47!  Congrats Moira and Happy Christmas!!  6 half metres of Pearl Bracelets will soon be on their way to you!

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas day yesterday, whatever way you were or weren't celebrating!

The Hollies girls had a great day, laughing & chilling with family & eating way too much!

Christmas '13
Yes I did get my hair all chopped off!!
Thankfully all the homemade gifts went down well!

Christmas '13

Christmas '13

And I got some lovely gifts from friends and family too!  Thank you especially for the beautiful handmade gifts, including my Brit Bee Secret Santa cushion, which I'll show you tomorrow!

Storm round 2 is hitting in here with a vengeance! So it's batten down the hatches & snuggle round the log fire with a steady stream of movies & nibbles!

Have a great Boxing Day!



  1. Don't you just love when you make handmade and everyone loves what you made for them...some great pressies to be sure.

  2. Congrats to Moira!

    Glad you all had a fab day, I particularly like camo-Elmo ;o)

  3. Such a lot of big smiles, I am so glad you all have a lovely day!

  4. Yay! I'll email you. Thanks Jude x

  5. Congrats to Moira. The presents all look fab. Happy Christmas.

  6. lovely photos! nice hair too missus x

  7. Love it all!! Where do you buy your hangers for your welcome wall hangings?? Yay for giveaway winners!!

  8. So pleased that Moira won the giveaway. The presents were obviously a hit. Loving the new hair do Mrs. Di x

  9. Well that's a big woot woot all round! Yayy for Moira! FAB hair! And what's not to love with all the gorgeous gifts! Glad to hear you all had a wonderful day x

  10. Hair looks great Judith! Looks like a very happy family day.


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