
Sunday 15 December 2013

Out with the Girls!

Last night was a fun night in with some loonies  girlfriends.  We giggled, played games and laughed lots!  Medicine for the soul!

Girl's Night In!
One of the games - making newspaper hats - my team won!! Sarah's modelling the winning hat!
We did Secret Santa.  I made these coasters .... and partnered them with the obligatory Christmas Chocolate orange (no, it's not Terry's)!

Secret Santa Coasters
They went down very well!
And Santa (aka Heather) got me these!

My secret santa goodies from Heather Dec13

There were 2 birthday girls to celebrate too!

For Sarah I made a basket to pop lots of goodies in (unfortunately 1 item is yet to arrive, hoping to have it soon Sarah!)

Birthday Basket for Sarah Dec13

And for Ruth, I made this picture.  The sense of humour in it is right up Ruth's street!

applique birthday present 007

I can totally relate!!

Applique picture for Ruth

A great night was had by all!  Thank you ladies! Can't wait for the next one!



  1. gosh, it looks as if you all had great fun, and every single one of those gifts is very wantable!

  2. sounds like you guys had an amazing time. How wonderful!!! All the goodies are gorgeous, too.

  3. Looks like a great night was had by all! And so many beautiful makes, you have been busy! Xx

  4. Wonderful, laughter is such a good medicine! Love the picture you made!

  5. Looks like a fab time! Giggles are always good. I'm so loving booth the coasters and the picture you made. Gorgeous gifts.

  6. All the above comments are appreciating your gifts and makes and not one of them congratulating our fabulous chapeau - funny that! Ruth provided us all with a fun evening and lots of laughs - definitely a Christmas tonic!

    My pressies were amazing! The basket was like a little treasure trove of goodies that I can play with in the New Year. Thank you xx

  7. Looks like you girls had a fun time. You can't beat a night out with friends. Di x

  8. Hi Judith! I can imagine how much fun and laugh you had! Best moments and all your sewings are adorable! x Teje

  9. Looks like loads of fun, and santa done good!

  10. Wonderful presents, Santa is very clever where you live!!

  11. What fun! Gorgeous coasters and gifts, as usual!

  12. Looks like a great night. Love the gifts

  13. Nothing like a good girls night in!! Love all the pressie. The picture is absolutely hilarious. I can so relate to that!!


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