
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Goodbye 2013!

Well, that's another year done!

Quilts of 2013
2013 Finished Quilts
My 2013 has been eventful, joyous, sad, fulfilling, busy, treasured.  Just the way a year being lived to the full should be!

I'm sure we would all prefer to have a year full of the highs, successes and things that make us happy. But then that's not real life, is it!  To not have the lows, the sorrows, the failures, is to miss out on opportunities to grow, to learn, to mature.

And standing on the precipice of a new year, can be exciting, full of hope, or perhaps a little scary! Not everyone enjoys new beginnings or ventures into the unknown.

For me, I think 2014 will be a year of change. But I'm going to try my best to embrace those changes and not to look back with longing for the things that have gone.

I don't make new years resolutions, (I know my limits!) but I will endeavour to see this year as one full of hope, opportunities, and new beginnings. It won't always be easy, and just like any other year, it will have its ups and downs. But then that's living isn't it!

And here's one great way to see in the new year!

Fabric Yard are having a SALE!!  Woohoo!

Check out Alice's gorgeous range of sale fabrics, and UK peeps can enjoy the £1 flat rate shipping too!

Here are a few of my favs from the sale section.

Fabric Yard Sale Jan14

Enjoy your New Year's celebrations! See you next year!



  1. Dear Judith, Happy NEW Year! I'm so happy I got to know you this year and I agree totally with all your wise words! I think the year beginning, will bring changes to us too - I do hope to better. Thank you for being sweet and supporting friend! Hugs! x Teje

  2. I hope 2014 brings all you wish for Judith. Xx

  3. Very wise words Jude, wishing you abundant blessings in 2014. Take care. Xxx

  4. Such beautiful quilts! You sound like you are ready for a wonderful new year, full of growth, change and challenges. I wish you the very best year ever.

  5. Happy new year Jude, hope its a fabulous one for you and the family xx

  6. I hope you all have a wonderful new year, filled with far more ups than downs!

  7. Happy new year, my dear friend. May this year bruise you less and hug you more. Xx

  8. Happy New Year- hope this one is full of fun, excitement and wonderful new opportunities :o)

  9. Happy New Year my sweet friend. I like the thought of embracing the changes and challenges that we will face as we travel through 2014. Di x

  10. Another wonderful post full of inspiration, both creatively and for living life. Have a wonderful 2014, my friend - we're with you for every step xx

  11. Thank you Judith! Heres to 2014 xx

  12. WOW! I Love it...
    and i thing thats good for you >>

    DIY & HOWTO Thank you!


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