
Friday 20 December 2013


I'm 3 years old today!!!  In blogging terms anyway!

And you know what that means!!!!

Fabric Yard are very kindly sponsoring this giveaway with these stunning HALF METRES of Lizzy House Pearl Bracelets!

That's 6 half metres of gorgeousness!

So if you are a regular reader, live in the UK or Ireland (sorry my overseas friends) and really want to get your crafty hands on these fabrics, then just leave me a comment!

Remember, if you don't ever get a reply from me when you comment on my blog, it means you are a 'no reply comment blogger' so you must leave your email address in the comment box.  If I have no way of contacting you, you will not be considered in the draw.

The Giveaway is open until Thursday 26th December, when I will announce the lucky winner!

Happy Christmas peeps!



  1. Eeeee Happy 3 years of Blogging!!! I wish you another great year - keep up the good work!!!

  2. gosh, happy third birthday, and many more to come. (and lovely blog giveaway)

  3. Happy Blog birthday and a great giveaway !!

  4. Congratulations! I'm not sure I could ever say no to the chance of some Pearl Bracelets, I have some from the Red Letter Day collection from years ago and have loved them ever since! Have a wonderful Christmas.x

  5. Happy blogiversary! What a lovely way to celebrate :) I look forward to reading your blog for many more years to come. :)

  6. Congratulations on your 3 years, wishing you many many more happy fantastic ones to come x

  7. Congratulations on your first three years, and here's to the next three years.

  8. Blogiversaries two days apart? - anyone would think you just copied me with this here blogging melarky, instead being coaxed, encouraged and led astray by my excitement. What are we like?

    Happy blogiversary Judith! Look forward to stealing your ideas for another load of bloggy years. Lovely generous sponsorship from Alice too!

  9. Congratulations on three years of blogging. You have a great blogging voice which I love reading. I also delve into the blogs on your side bar,too, from time to time. Great inspiration.

  10. Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Judith! Love that fabric that you're giving away. I look forward to another year of fab posts on your blog. I'm in Canada but wanted to comment anyway. :)

  11. Happy 3 years! Beautiful fabrics, who wouldn't want to win these!! x

  12. Happy blogiversary, I hope you celebrated with cake too!! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway, pearl bracelets is one of my favourite fabrics.

  13. Just to say happy Blogiversary, Judith, and hopefully many happy years to come! Leave me out of the giveaway, though, since I'm in Ireland...

  14. Hi Judith,
    Congratulations - three years, this must mean that you definitely have stamina!
    I'd definitely would love to have those fabrics and could think of thousands of things to do with them, so I would just to make my mind up what to do with them eventually (using them for the Irish chain quilt would be one of the many options).
    Anyway, merry Christmas, hope you'll have a lovely time with your daughters!
    All the best,

  15. Congratulations Judith!
    Thanks for the yummy Pearl Bracelets!
    Merry Christmas!

  16. Happy Blogiversary! Time flies when you're making lovely things x

  17. 3yrs- wowser..........what a super giveaway, I love Lizzie House..
    Her's to the next 3.xx

  18. Aww, you don't look a day over 2... Happy bloggiversary!

  19. Wow - three years..... woo hoo, and I hope you have a really lovely Christmas xx

  20. Awe happy bloggy birthday! That sounds just a little bit wrong! I have one coming up too, I better sort something out!

  21. Happy bloggy birthday. I am coming up to 3 years too: where does the time go! Love seeing all your lovely makes

  22. Happy bloggy birthday - did you get a cake?!

  23. Congratulations on being three! keep it coming, J!

  24. Happy blogiversary lovely friend xxxx

  25. Llongyfarchiadau! Three years? Wow to you :-)

  26. Happy Bloggy Day. 3 years- how time flies.

  27. Congratulations to 3 years blogging! Love to read your blog

    ... the overseas made me laugh! Did not know there is a sea between us :D :D :D

  28. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Merry Christmas and thank you for the chance to win the pretty fabrics.

  29. Happy blog birthday! What a lovely give away too, I don't mind if you skip me, being too far away, or I could just pay for the shipping.

  30. Happy blog birthday. I love reading your blog and thanks for a fab giveaway.

  31. Three years of blogging means it will soon be here years since we met online. So pleased you are my friend J. Happy blogiversary.

  32. Only 3 years?! Cant imagine t'internet without you sweets x

  33. Really enjoy my early morning cuppas catching up with you! Thank you for a brilliant blog. And a very Merry Christmas to you too! kirstie cantegreil at g mail dot com

  34. Happy birthday Judith and blog!! What a lovely giveaway too. Hope you and the girls have a brill Christmas xx

  35. Pom Pom Pooom Pom to you ... Joyeux Anniversaire, thank you for these pages read here with pleasure ! As children Noël, I await with impatience the following ! Thank you so much.
    Laurence in Guingamp France

  36. Jude I love reading your blog so happy blog anniversary and I look forward to a 4th year of bloggy news. Di x

  37. Happy blogiversary! Looking forward to seeing your adventures in 2014 and thanks for a great giveaway x

  38. Happy Christmas and see you in the New Year xx

  39. Congrats.....and Merry Christmas x

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Happy 3rd birthday to you. Great fabric for the giveaway. Wishing great things to everyone in blogland for 2014.

  42. Happy 3rd birthday! I recently had mine but totally forgot till you mentioned yours!
    I hope you have a relaxing & joyous festive season. Thank you for the giveaway chance.
    See you on the other side.
    Lush x

  43. Happy anniversary! And please keep the blogpost coming I always very much appreciate them and what a fantastic way to celebrate.

  44. Well done! Hope you are a great Christmas x

  45. you are very kind ,great giveaway thanks ...

  46. you are very kind ,great giveaway thanks ...


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo