
Thursday 28 November 2013

Feeling Old!

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon here:

Derby Uni 001

My daughter was having a 4 hour interview at her first choice Uni for Sept '14. She did brilliantly well at holding her nerve and presenting herself & her amazing art work, while I spent 4 hours in the rather youthful cafeteria, reading this:

book 001

I'm half way through already (only started reading it at 1.30pm yesterday!) and am really enjoying it.

A short hop and a skip across the Irish sea and we were home again by 9pm!  I have everything crossed for Shannon, that she gets a place!

And just before I go and help unearth a friend from her under fabric stash, here are some gorgeous applique cushions my Monday evening class have been making.

Applique cushions class Nov13

Aren't they brilliant! These are all 20" cushions with a variety of closures in the back.  Well done everyone!  I've a feeling some Christmas pressies have already been made!



  1. I've got everything crossed for Shannon too. But if you are old what does that make me?!!!

  2. Good luck, Shannon! I'm sure she'll do brilliantly. The patterns for your cushions are just gorgeous. Great idea, J!

  3. Ah I bet she did great! Hope they don't make her wait for too long to hear the answer! X

  4. Ooo that's exciting! Not too far from us :) I hope she gets in!

  5. 4 hours? that is some interview, hope she gets what she wants. Lovely cushions there too.

  6. Good luck Shannon! My sister went there xxx

  7. Good Luck Shannon! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed reading! I have read 'The Island' and it was really good despite the sad subject. Your glass has done beautiful pillows! x Teje

  8. Oh good luck, i hope she gets her place! I've read all Victoria Hislop's novels and enjoyed them all! Great cushions :-)

  9. Glad that S had a good interview. It is nerve wracking waiting for them and then to see if a place is offered. Di x

  10. Oooh, good luck to Shannon, hope she gets in, and then we can meet up when you come to visit :o)

  11. Love , love those cushions. Can't wait for them to come to a Thursday night.
    Am reading same book, it's my bedtime reading. Love the story.

  12. Fab cushions from your class. Everything crossed for Shannon.

  13. Keeping everything crossed for Shannon! You should have said, I'd have come and waited with you!

  14. lovely cushions and good luck to your daughter, I am sure she will do well. As of yesterday I am the proud mother (hopefully proud but not smug) of 2 doctors of hard physics. Two doctors and still have no one to put on a plaster!

  15. Will keep everything crossed for her!

  16. I will hope for her too, how exciting to be starting university. I would love to go back and learn some new stuff.

  17. Judith I wishing your beautiful daughter every success! Beautiful cushions! Marie x

  18. Judith I wishing your beautiful daughter every success! Beautiful cushions! Marie x

  19. Oh Judith, I feel for you! Having had my two daughters walk that path already, I know EXACTLY what you're going through! I really hope that you and your daughter's path is nice and smooth with her getting the place she deserves.. Hugs. xx

  20. Good luck to Shannon. Must be such a nerve wracking time. Also, love the pillows.

  21. Fingers crossed she gets the place she wants! Lovely covers. Love the hexagons

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