
Friday 1 November 2013

54 Sleeps til Christmas!!

Yikes!  It's November!

As usual, the last month has whizzed by in a flurry of thread and wadding!

Here's (some) of what I made in October:

October 13 Roundup

I haven't yet blogged about all of the items you see here, but I hope to tell you all about them soon.

And here are my contributions to the Bee Blessed craft sale table, happening Saturday 9th November:

For the Bee Blessed Craft Table

I may or may not get a few more sale items made.  With only 1 week to go to our In Stitches Exhibition/Fund Raiser, there is still much to do!  Watch this space!

Linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day!

And for all you Bee Blessed contributors, check out the block for November, over on Sarah's blog!



  1. You've been busy! 54 sleeps till Christmas sounds scary. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. gorgeous projects, Judith. and that 54 sleeps till Christmas just totally freaked me out :)

  3. Beautiful projects and such variety too! Good luck at your fund raiser.

  4. You have had a productive October!

  5. You are a busy bee! The craft stall should do well with those contributions. Lovely!

  6. Wowsers, that is a lot of completed projects, and all gorgeous, well done!

  7. 54 sleeps until Christmas - don't frighten me.
    Remind me again, is your exhibition only the one day or over several?

  8. You had a great month, hope the sale goes well! I'm ignoring the 'C' reference...

  9. You've been busy! It suddenly dawned on me this week just how close we are to Christmas too.

  10. Wow, what a month. I love love those pjs, what great fabric. And each of your quilts is wonderful. And rest is great too. By the way, you have settled it, I can put up my Christmas lights this weekend, it is only 54 sleeps now. I love the lights outside, really brightens up the dark nights of fall and winter.

  11. Good luck with the fund raising Jude!

  12. How on earth do you get so much done?!!!


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