
Friday 27 September 2013

Keep it Covered!

If you're not too bored hearing about my Gifts 'One in One' course starting in November, here is another instalment!

Ipad, mini Ipad and Kindle covers:

Ipad covers - class samples
Ipad covers

Mini Ipad cover - class sample
Mini Ipad cover

Kindle Cover - class sample
Kindle Cover
Obviously during the course you will only have 1 night to spend on these, so you will choose one cover to make.  However the pattern provided will give you the measurements for all 3 covers.

I know I'm not alone when looking for any excuse to make a pretty quilted pouch to cover or house something!  So I'm hoping folks will enjoy making these for themselves and others!



  1. These are gorgeous!! Would love to make them one day!

  2. Ahhh, I've finally *got* the name of the course. Going back to sleep now ;o)

  3. Lovely Ipad covers Judith....wish I was near to participate. Have a great weekend. Marie x

  4. Love them! I need to make a new kindle cover. Did you use linen again for the hearty one? So cute

  5. Love them J. The vintage one in the middle looks so pretty. Di x

  6. Oh man, I really need these! Please, please also put this on etsy!!

  7. I think we are doing the same course - great minds!!

  8. Oh great variety - sure to tempt your customers


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