
Monday 26 August 2013

Wonky is the new Straight!

Tonight saw the finish of a summer Wonky Star Cushion class.

Wonky Star Cushion class Aug13

Wonky Star Cushion class Aug13

It is so lovely to see everyone finish their cushions, and for some, putting in concealed zippers for the first time.

Well done ladies! 

And I've been doing a bit of wonking of my own this week (no not the wallpapering in my daughter's room, which most definitely qualifies as wonky!)

Hipbees Wonky Corners block for Fi Aug13

This is my wonky corners block for Fi in Hipbees, who sent us some lovely Amy Butler to work with.  This is the final month of year 1 in Hipbees.  The bee is continuing on, however I've made the difficult decision to step down.  I know that I will continue some long lasting friendships through this group, and I wish the new members as much fun as I had!

Another bee coming to an end for me is Modern Irish Bee.

MIB blocks Aug13 for G!

Geraldine, whose month completes the end of year 1, very kindly sent us pre-cut triangles and a definite design to make. 

My month in MIB was July, and this week I got the last of my blocks in -wanna see?

Modern irish Bee - july13

Isn't it great!  Not all sewn together yet, and definitely one of the most modern designs I've ever gone for, but I love it!!  Thanks MIB ladies!

And last, but by no means least, my late Brit Bee blocks for Jennie.

Brit bee block for Jennie Aug13 006

Brit bee block for Jennie Aug13
Not as wonky along that bottom edge in reality - promise!
These Seminole style blocks were a real head scratcher, especially for someone as mathematically challenged as I am! Jennie sent us a selection of solids and a picture of an inspiration quilt and let us get on with it!

I hope these will pass, even though one block is larger than the other! (As striking as they are, I don't see more Seminole blocks in my future any time soon!!)

Well that's me all up to date! 

A shed load of class samples awaits my attention, which I'm hoping to get to when the kids are back into school on Monday!



  1. So sorry we are losing you from hipBees, but I'm sure you will be keeping yourself busy with other things and hope you have some fun too. Great final round of Bee Blocks. Your seminoles are beautifully pieced (such a lot of piecing!) but I think as a style that seminole is an acquired taste.

  2. So love those cushions and the reverse is such a fabulous idea. You are amazing with all those blocks. I love the tumbler block what a fabulous quilt that will be. Have fun Marie x

  3. There are sure a lot of beautiful blocks and pillows in this post. I am especially in love with that second last block, despite my love of improv. Can you just imagine it supersized into a quilt top?

  4. So much goodness in this post. Well done Wonky Star ladies. They look fab! Loving your tumbler blocks too. They look amazing together.

  5. Your tumbler block look great, love the borders on them. So does everything else, I'm very partial to a bit of wonk!
    Sometimes you just can't do everything and you need to make time for yourself.

  6. Love those Seminole blocks! Very striking (though I can imagine just how fiddly they were!)

  7. Loving those cushions and I love the block you've done for Fi. My fabric was waiting for me when I got back from holiday so I'm still thinking of what to do.

  8. All wonky stars and blocks look amazing. Your MIB quilt looks stunning. Love all those different fabrics you got. This is very special!

  9. Great blocks and your tumbler quilt will be great.

    Good going on Jennie's xxx

  10. Well caught up, they all look fab!

  11. Loving the positive/negative cushions. Lots of Bee work, oh those Seminole blocks look testing!

  12. I really love those Seminole blocks. It is a great way to produce a simple design, that really works beautifully! And, your precision is amazing!

    Fun cushions, too!

  13. I love the cushions your students made - they're all so different! The bee blocks are fabulous, as always but the star of the show is your tumbler blocks - that quilt is going to be amazing, just like you xx


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