
Sunday 4 August 2013

Phew! My Hair is Still Straight!

Well, I put my big girl pants on this morning, and drill in hand, I went for it!

Brit Bee Giant Linen Star 001

It took some effort to get a deep enough hole for the rawl plug (how impressed are you that I even know what these things are called!) and screw, but I was laser focussed and wasn't going to be beaten!

Brit Bee Giant Linen Star 004

I'm chuffed to bits with how my very special Brit Bee Giant Linen Star quilt looks above my bed!  (Please ignore the 'too long' metal rod sticking out the bottom of the quilt!  I'm waiting on a hack saw!!)

Brit Bee Giant Linen Star 002

I've been keen to get this quilt up in my room, because of it's symbolism and significance to me.  I may now be alone in my bed at night, but I have the reminder of a community of close quilty friends right above my head! 

And before I go, check out this awesome blogiversary giveaway that Reene and Yvonne are hosting!  It's a cracker!



  1. It looks fantastic there, I am so glad you bested the drill and are moving into the world of saws.

  2. What a statement piece - looks brilliant!

  3. Fabulous ..just loving the Star it looks spectacular. I'm impressed quilts up and away with the drill. Well done!! Marie x

  4. Looks 'totes amaze' or whatever the young ones say these days! That And those jimmer jammers will make ur bed a cosy place to rest.. X

  5. Looks 'totes amaze' or whatever the young ones say these days! That And those jimmer jammers will make ur bed a cosy place to rest.. X

  6. Jude, it looks really great and so do all your beautiful cushions on your bed.

  7. What a spectacular star. It really makes the space yours. Those big girl pants have worked their magic. Di x

  8. Hi Judith! Great job - making the hole - for quilts we know how talented you are! This is master piece and so perfect over the bed! And your cushions are so beautiful! Is that iron stick for weight? I wish you lovely Sunday! x Teje

  9. Wow. Spectacular quilt. Saw your ther photos but it definitely looks majestic now that it's home in it's place. Loving your cushions too!

  10. Looks absolutely amazing! You'll be a pro at the DIY in no time if that's your first attempt :-)

  11. Superbe, quelle belle réalisation et la mise en scène est parfaite .

  12. Wow. Spectacular quilt. Saw your ther photos but it definitely looks majestic now that it's home in it's place. Loving your cushions too!

  13. Wow, well done! I've no idea what half those things you used to get it up are, so fair play! Looks gorgeous!

  14. Those are some fab big girls pants, well done, it is a stunning quilt, and a great symbol of a new start! x

  15. Good job! Aren't drills fun? That mocha really makes the pinwheel pop x

  16. it looks fsb! big cuddles x

  17. Absolutely stunning! And the cushions are fabulous, too.

  18. Check you out with your skillz! No stopping you now, it look perfect! Just the statement a girl needs, gotta love those big girl pants! Big hugs xx

  19. It looks amazing! Well done you :) thanks for the mention. Hugs to you xx

  20. This looks like a lovely place to sleep... The star shows how much you shine... xx

  21. Woohoo, well done, knew you could do it!

  22. That looks gorgeous over your bed and the cushions are lovely too. When you were looking for options for the now dark triangles in the middle, I wasn't sure about the dark colourway but now it is up it looks perfect - shows you how much I know!

  23. Wow.,.looks amazing...well done with the drill x

  24. Looks amazing.... I love the pillows on the bed.

  25. Wow, it looks gorgeous! Absolutely perfect with the pillows on the bed.

  26. Yay!! Well done you for mastering the drill. It'a fabulous quilt and looks perfect over your bed. Thinking of you Jude. Take care. Xxx

  27. looks fantastic! Drills can be mastered by us ladies then!

  28. Yay, knew you could do it. It looks fantastic

  29. Hurray!! It looks marvellous up there and with your new-found DIY skills you'll be fitting bathrooms and laying floors in no time! (((hug)))

  30. Oh how superb you clever lady - enjoy it!

  31. Well done! I've not used a drill yet. I've put those plugs in but always got someone to drill the hold for me. I have been following your updates this summer about things changing and not being the best and was concerned that you/someone close was seriously ill. I think I've worked it out now. Your star is a great statement and shall always be a reminder that yes you can. Hugs xx

  32. It looks amazing J, really well done! xxx

  33. Love it! Suits the room perfectly! Well done on the drill handling too. Can I call you round to mine for a DIY party yet!?

  34. It looks brilliant and go you for doing the drilling. I tried to drill into our render to fit an extractor fan (no I wasn't actually fitting it just having a go with the drill) and the force of the drill nearly through my off the ladder and all I did was not even manage to chip the render ;-)The quilt is beautiful and show's you have stars in the form of friends looking out for you during this difficult time. xx

  35. Amazed and in awe of the quilt and drill skillz! Shelves next?

  36. Looks amazing! And we will always be here for you. But get you - drills, rawl plugs and hack saws. Very impressive!

  37. OMG...don't laugh but I thought they were called WALL my DH is laughing at me! LOL

    Congrats on the DIY


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