
Thursday 8 August 2013

Farmer's Wife Sampler

A wee while ago, I received a pack of FW-type blocks via Helen.  The blocks had been given to Helen, and she passed them onto to Bee Blessed to turn into a quilt for donation.

The blocks are only 6" square & I managed to use all bar 3 of the blocks, in this 'on-point' formation.

Bee Blessed sampler 001
My favourite is that cute wee orange Scottie dog!
We added some borders, quilted it, and last weekend handed it over to a terminally lady who has no family.

Bee Blessed Sampler Quilt

This has been one of our favourite quilts to work on recently in Bee Blessed.  A lot of love and joy has gone into this quilt, and we see it as a sign of our investment in a quilt when we find it hard to hand over!!

Bee Blessed sampler quilt

Thank you Helen (& friend!) for entrusting these beautiful blocks into our care.

We pray that this quilt will bring much comfort and peace to its new owner.



  1. What a wonderful quilt and so sweet of you finishing this to give it away.

  2. you've done a great job, its really lovely! love the scotty too...

  3. I have no doubt the comfort this stunner will bring :) gorgeous!

  4. What a pretty quilt and I'm sure it will not only be appreciated but treasured too.

  5. That is gorgeous Judith and what a wonderful gesture, I'm sure it made the lady so happy.

  6. Judith .....the quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I have no doubt that the Lady who receives it will feel so much better being wrapped in all the love! You and the group of Ladies who make up these quilts are amazing. You brought tears to my eyes today. It is so beautiful that someone cares. Marie x

  7. How wonderful! I'm sure it will bring warmth and comfort in its new home. The little Scottie is my fav, too, but mostly b/c he's after that blue bone that's double his size! Love his spirit :)

  8. Beautiful work! No doubt she will love it :)

  9. Most beautiful, Judith! I'm sure it has a good new home and it's appreaciated and loved! x Teje

  10. They look wonderful - I can't wait to show my friend what you did with the blocks! I'm sure it will bring comfort in a difficult time xxx

  11. It is beautiful and I love how you put it together, not just the arrangement but the love you share in it too.

  12. This is so emotive!! This lady that has no one now has so
    Much comfort from this quilt and from us all thinking and praying for her.. How special .. X

  13. I'm glad L was able to aprt with it after she fell in love quilting it. Do you think she'll need separation anxiety therapy? Everyone who had a hand in this did a fab job working to get this one finished and I love that it's going to someone who really needs its love and comfort.

  14. It's a real beauty Jude. I have no doubt it will give the lady who receives comfort knowing that it has been made with love for her. Amen to your prayers for her. Thinking of you. Xxx

  15. Just a quick update on this quilt and it's new owner! We gave the quilt over to the lady on Wednesday after she received some further bad news and was at a real low point. Words cannot describe the joy that this quilt has brought to this lady, She broke down into happy tears and couldn't believe that someone would want to donate such a beautiful thing to her. She has spent the past 2 days wrapped up in the quilt and happier than we have seen her in a long time. Many times we walk past her door she is sitting with the blanket over her lap exploring each and every block and stitch that has gone into the quilt. Thank you to everyone who took time to be part of this quilt, the impact this has had upon one ladies life is extraordinary, providing both physical and emotional comfort throughout this period. This lady will never forget this act of kindness from "strangers". Thank you for allowing us to make this ladies time left so much better x

  16. Now the update is making me all teary. It is a lovely quilt and clearly Bee Blessed is making a difference for people who need it.

  17. Aw, this is a really gorgeous quilt and its so nice to read about the comfort it is bringing xx

  18. Aw lovely story and what blessing to have Helen and Bee Blessed!

  19. I love the story behind this and now you have made a wonderful quilt.


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