
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Wasps 1: Jude 1

Well at 5am this morning I was up doing battle with the wasps!

I managed to get the powder in and then stood back and satisfyingly watched them go nuts!

I was so absorbed in my smugness I didn't notice a stealth bomber sneak round the back of me and sting me - IN THE BUM!!!!

Of all places!  Right through my pjs!

As I dabbed on the vinegar, all I could think of was Forrest Gump when he said he'd been 'shot in the buttocks!'

Thankfully I'm not allergic, and my mission seams to have been a success!  Phew! 

Dead wasps nest!

In other news, I'm finally able to show you the FQR name tag I made for Jennie, one of my Brit Bee buddies.

FQR13 Name tag for Jennie/Little Stitch

Jennie is an architect and the city skyline design is based on Jennie's own doodle for Ceri's month in Brit Bee, which you can see in the middle of her block here.

I was getting worried that it had got lost in the post, as I hadn't heard anything for ages. But Jennie was on holiday and I'm pleased to say she loves it (well she designed it after all!).

I have now revealed 2 out of 5 of the secret sewing projects I've been involved with.  More to be revealed very soon!



  1. That name tag is a stunner! So fun and cheery!

    Can you imagine if your bum were to swell in reaction to the sting?!!!!

  2. Wow, love the name tag, great work! And sorry, i had to chuckle at you getting stung on your bum, i'm betting it hurt, hope it gets better soon! :o)

  3. So pleased to hear Jennie was on holiday - I was getting worried!
    Hope the butt-ock feels better soon xxx

  4. I love that name tag! Glad to hear the wasps have been vanquished but sorry to hear that one got its own back on you - I've only been stung once (no idea if it was a wasp or a bee, it didn't hang around after it flew up my sleeve and stung me) and it bloody hurt so I can imagine how sore your backside is. As well as your pride ;o)

  5. glad you got rid of the wasps! being stung is NO fun though xx

  6. Ouch ouch ouch! Did anyone offer to kiss it better? Sorry, I just couldn't resist!
    Lovely name badge.

  7. Ouch! What a pain in the bum! Hope that got shot of them all. Lovely name tag!

  8. I'm impressed Jude, I got the man from the council to do it when we had a nest. Hoping your bums not to sore to sit on and I love your name tag.

  9. You did great! Sorry about the sting, I get them on my hands all the time gardening (wasps make nests in weeds, who knew) but I bet the bum hurts a lot as one must sit some of the time.

  10. How's your bum? I once saw a neighbour tackle a bee's nest dressed from head to toe in his motor racing fire marshalling suit! A little bit over kill me thinks! Most stings I've had have been on my hands like Leanne above said. Either because I've brushed one out of my hair or more commonly in autumn they've been in the washing - turn a pair of jeans inside out and get a stung hand! Badge looks fab - I haven't received one. I'll be gutted if I don't. :-(

  11. Ouch. I hope your butt-ocks soon feel much better :) very cute name tag!

  12. I'm sorry but that did make me laugh! Love the name tag you madr

  13. Sorry, that made me laugh too. I think you tell the tale too well. Glad you got the rest of the bastards. Love the name tag though.

  14. Great name badge! Sorry about the sting, though somehow I think it's going to be a good butt-ocks story for years to come!

  15. so sorry about the sting, at least you'll have a funny story to tell for years, right? :) Love the nametag.

  16. Whoops! not nice of that one to get to you! But I think you did more than sting them...

    Good name tag, so apt!

  17. Love the name tag! And thanks - I now have butt-tocks stuck in my head! Sorry about the sting though.

  18. Oh you poor thing, hope you can sit comfortably!

  19. Oh my goodness, Judith! I react horribly to wasp stings... Imagine the sight I'd be if that happened to me!? Glad you're ok! Beautiful name tag!

  20. So sorry Jude, but I had to chuckle about the wasp sting. Just as well you aren't allergic to them. Love your name tag. How appropriate with the design on the front

  21. There is nothing like a wasp sting......they hurt. Hope it healing. I must say I have had a giggle to of all the places. Love the name tag you did an amazing job.

  22. Ouch! I'm smiling at the comparison - you with your wasps, Leanne, her robins. Not quite the same is it?
    Great tag.x

  23. Yikes! I hope that the pain has eased. Di x

  24. What a pain in the butt! Hope you heal up soon!! :o)


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