
Saturday 13 July 2013

Disappearing Quillow!

First up, I'm delighted to finally announce my Autumn programme of In Stitches classes!  It's a varied programme this term - hopefully something for everyone!

You can check out all the details here, and email me if you'd like to sign up for any of them. But be quick!  Places are limited!

One of the projects I'll be teaching is my Disappearing 9 Patch Quillow.  A quillow is a quilt with a hidden pocket in the back, which you can fold the quilt up into to make a pillow!  Clever eh?!

I've taught this sashed version before, a couple of years ago:

D9P Quillow

 Now that I'm introducing it to a new class I thought I'd offer a non-sashed version:

D9P quillow

I love how different the design becomes when you take away the sashing and allow 4 of the D9P squares become the 'background'.

Learning how to sash a quilt is a great skill to learn, however if you feel it is a step too far, you can stick with the simpler, non-sashed version!

Quillows provide a practical and fun way to make your quilt transportable and extra snuggly! They are great for kids and big kids adults alike!

The 2 versions of this quillow will soon be available in the one pattern in my Etsy shop.

Quillow Class: (8 weeks) Monday evenings, starting 2nd September.



  1. Loving the non sashed version. Di x

  2. I like this idea of a quilt that folds up to be a pillow. Have you done this as a pattern yet?

  3. Ah the beloved quill ow. The project class of yours that really sent me on the road to this fabulous addiction!!

  4. Limited places already, go you! Looks great xxx

  5. Love them both. Really making quillows would be good for storage too. Or at least keeping them tidy in this house!

  6. I've just got to make one of those (or maybe two) for my grandchildren. Can't wait for the pattern to come out.

  7. Never made a quillow! Not sure I can make those classes though ....sniff!

  8. Hi Judith! They both look fantastic and the idea for the pillow is so great! I love the 'disappearing 9 patch' - I have used it for one quilt which is still UFO - should make something else. x Teje

  9. They look fab, i especially love the colours of the sashed one! :o)

  10. I've always thought quillows where a great idea, but usually looked old fashioned...but you've made them so modern. Good luck with the class.

  11. I've always fancied making a quillow so the quilt gets double use as both a pillow and a quilt. Would be useful if Chief ever gets a camper van type thingy too!

  12. That little pocket is great for keeping your tootsies warm too :)

  13. Very nice :o) This is one of those things I've thought I should make as it would be useful, and have never quite got to (shocking really, given all my spare time ;o) )


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