
Thursday 6 June 2013

Solid Tumblers!

I'm always a little late to the party when it comes to trends!

I tell my kids not to jump on every band wagon going, just because everyone else does!

When solids became fashionable in the quilting world I didn't like them.  I love pattern and scrappy, and the quilts I saw being made in solids just didn't do it for me!

But now that I've got used to seeing them around blogland (and I hugely admire the talent and creativity that folks use in designing around solids), I'm growing to like them more!

I recently bought some half metres of Klona in my LQS and just loved how they all looked together.  They were randomly chosen colours, but I got to thinking they would work for my month as Queen Bee in the Modern Irish Bee (June/July).

So out came my trusty Sizzix, and this time the 4.5" Tumbler die, and I whizzed those solids through!  Sizzix was smokin'!

MIB Block Jun13 001

There are 11 piles each with 22 tumblers. I'm hoping my bee buddies will each make me 2 of these blocks:

MIB Block Jun13 004

The 12th tumbler in each block is to be patterned and from the makers' own stash!  A little bit of them in each block!

To finish, the blocks are bordered in navy, so I don't have to sash them all!!  Tee hee!!

I just have to get a wee treat to pop in each package and these babies are ready to be posted out all over Ireland!


P.S. thanks everyone for your great suggestions on how to solve my ironing board cover dilemma.  A smaller bodkin was supplied from my trusty quilty friend, and the cover finished in 2 shakes of a lamb's tail!!


  1. Love your colour choices on the solids. Can't wait to see those blocks come back to you.

    Glad you got your pressing need sorted with the bodkin.

  2. Hi Judith! These look so great - you can guess that I love these colours and your block is beautiful and fun with the one print patch! I was thinking the same for solids; then I made the 'Happy Days' quilt and now I like solids, too. x Teje

  3. That looks good you reluctant solid lover!

  4. Great idea to have the one print - will remind you of each of the participants. I am trying to ease myself into solids with some v&co ombre.

  5. Great idea. I love the one printed piece and the borders.

  6. This is a really fantastic idea - love the one print under solids. AND great Colors...

  7. I have a love hate relationship with solids - love the modern effect they give but detest quilting them as every stitch shows! Your bundles are beautiful and the patterned addition inspired.

  8. Lovely blocks Jude. Like you, I am a sccrappy person, and am just getting to grips with this fashion of solids. Beginning to like them actually LOL.

  9. Great idea for a bee and I like the plan of sashing the blocks so you don't have to do it later. It will be a lovely quilt.

  10. I love your sample block! I don't use solids very often (or plains, as they used to be called *wink*) - I tend to prefer prints and tone on tones. I also find that solids are harder to hand stitch - they're somehow sturdier and harder to needle but I can't really work out why. I can't wait to see your bee blocks, though, and I love the idea of a single, different, print in each block!

    P.S. I'm with you on the bandwagon thing - the only time I get on a bandwagon is if I'd have got on it when it was empty...

  11. Love your block and think tumblers and solids are may have just stared a new trend!

  12. Fabulous block, it's very rare that I use solids!

  13. Looks great, fab idea to add one patterned tumbler :o)

  14. I have a solids's project waiting to go, but still a little dubious!

  15. Good thinking with the single prints

  16. Love the tumblers in all those gorgeous colours! Can't wait to see what you get back!

  17. Oh wow I just love this. I have such a hard time around here finding solid colors and I do not understand your work here shows how great they work and look....

    From Karin @


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