
Sunday 2 June 2013

Meet Shirley ....

.... the cow!

Shirley 001

My youngest daughter has an affection for cows!  She likes to give them names!  Shirley was the latest!

A while ago I pinned this pattern with Bethany in mind!  It is her birthday this month, so I thought I'd have a go at making her a cow cushion!

I knew I wanted Shirley to be in purples and greens.  My first attempt was sewing directly onto the print outs, but I didn't have any solid fabrics at the time so went with polka dots!

Shirley 1

I didn't think it looked quite right, too fussy!  So I got some Klona from my LQS and had another crack at it.

For my 2nd attempt I traced the pattern onto greaseproof paper, which is what I usually use for paper piecing.  And I have to say, the klona pieced like a dream!

Unfortunately, I lost some accuracy doing it this way (you can see that Shirley looks like she's suffered a stroke as one side of her face is drooping!) and I made a mistake on the nose (can you spot it?). 

I don't have the stomach for making a 3rd one, and think I will just go with Klona Shirley!  What do you think? 



  1. Oh, I love Shirley and her dotty cousin - they'll make great cushions! I think Mad Mabel might be my favourite of the two...

  2. Aahh cows!! I too love cows!! They're just so cute and cow-ey :) I love the cows I love the dotty one we need more dotty cows, so adorable!!

  3. Oh wow they are fabulous! Why not put them on both sides of the cushion ( with a zip at the bottom, and then she can have both

  4. Mistake? Where? I think Shirley looks pretty darn perfect. I love her.

  5. Shirl looks good in both the kona and spots. I like Catherine's idea too. Di x

  6. Too cute! Love the way that people are foundation piecing all sorts of ordinary everyday objects. Thumbs up for the double sided cushion too :-)

  7. Oh! I love the cows! My hands down favourite is the dotty cow - I'm a little bit in love with her floral nose, but they are both gorgeous!
    I think you should make the solid one for your daughter and save the dotty one for someone who will really appreciate that flowery nose!!! ;)

  8. Cows have 4 stomachs, so you have another 2 in you - tee hee! I love the dotty one too

  9. Gorgeous, i've got this one pinned, and it looks fab! Is it going to be a double sided cushion, or maybe a cushion and a little tote bag? :o)

  10. Both look really gorgeous! What a funny idea

  11. I love the dotty one best and like Fiona love her Liberty (or -like) nose! Been eating lots of meadow flowers I guess!

  12. That´s ok with two LOL
    This Kind of mistake happens so quick making foundation PP, Looks great anyway :)

  13. I love them both. LOVE the Liberty nose on Shirley's cousin.

  14. Judith, I love your cows! They are both fantastic and I think the other one is just shy to look straight to us and didn't have a stroke. She may look also like she's not in her best mood. x Teje

  15. Shirley is wonderful! I love seeing versions of my cow popping up around blogland, and I think your two are some of my favorites. I agree with your commenters - the floral nose is adorable.

  16. They are both super. I do not think you should play favourites, they are both 'the business'

  17. Oh Judith I love them both! I, too, have a thing for day I'll introduce you to my Bella and Daisy. Also love hens and sheep-could possibly have been a farmer in a previous life....except for the mud!! xx

  18. I am so in love with the spotty one!!

  19. They both look fantastic! I am partial to the dots one :)

  20. They are both amazing Jude!!


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