
Sunday 5 May 2013

Spring Cleaning!

Yesterday, the house got a right good gutting clean!  Everyone pitched in!  We scrubbed, wiped, swept & de-cluttered.   Ahhhhh!  There's nothing like a good spring clean to blow the cobwebs away (& there were many!).

The spring cleaning bug extended into my sewing room too!

I've been running out of room for my Pattern & Admin files and books, so I set to getting tough on my scraps!

I bagged up 2 bin bags full of unsuitable, fugly or pre-historic scraps & decided to chuck anything that was smaller than 2.5" square, unless it was an especially precious piece!

Putting my 2.5" Sizzix die to good use (there was steam practically pouring out of it!) I turned the 'too small to keep but still useful' scraps into mini charm squares!  I now have the beginnings of a 'Scrap Vomit' box (not much carrot in this vomit though! LOL!).

Scrap vomit box!

It's utterly bizzare what I was still keeping in all my scrap boxes.  Cut up tea-towels, ties, swatches from sample books etc.  I know what all these things could be made into, but alas, I just don't have the time.  I threw out stuff I'd been holding on to for years!

leftover random 3" squares

Here we have the 3" squares that get cut away when making handbag box corners!!  Like sorting through the photo albums in the loft (where you just have to stop and reminisce) I started putting these squares up on my design board & thought these random deco weight squares go quite well together.  These might just morph into a cushion or tote bag one day!!  Needlesss to say, these ones didn't make it into the bin bag in the end!!

So I've now got the space I need for my growing collection of ugly lever arch files!

And tomorrow, I'm hoping to get the paint brush out and give some of the 2nd hand furniture in there a makeover!

Oh, and I also found the old wooden spools I inherited a while ago ....

Old wooden spools

... some still with their original labels. Here you see them after I de-robed them of very old thread.  Tomorrow I'll show you what I turned them into!!

It's a bank holiday here in UK tomorrow!  Have fun whatever you get up to!


  1. What a fun way to spend your day!( lol)

    Looking forward to seeing your spool results.

  2. woops- My daughter is logged in- Its really me, Mammafairy... So perhaps you better not reply- she will be confuzzled!

  3. Oh well done Jude ! I should follow your good example!

  4. I really want to see what you made with these spools - I got bags of old sewing stuff some time ago, and I have approximately 15 similar wooden spools waiting in a jar - cannot decide what to do with them :)

  5. You threw out scraps!!! You who told me to never throw out anything, it was all usable? Well I never! ;-)

    Good on you. I have three weeks to spring clean my place. Ha!

  6. oh wow!!! you are on fire! I need some of that spring cleaning enthusiasm , too.

  7. I also had a go at clearing up, but got no further than space on the table for the sewing machine (just!) though now it's already taken up by the laptop...

    I'm afraid I'm no good at throwing out scraps; I keep anything that's still sewable, even if just for use as starting-and-ending scraps.

  8. Sound like you have done properly what I only do half-heartedly!! Bravo xxx

  9. Brilliant! I need to do this one day but till now the 'every now and than' clean needs to do it! There are lovely squares now.

  10. Hope you get to put your feet up tomorrow! Love those vintage spools!

  11. Well done for letting go of stuff that you won't use. I need to do something similar with my scraps. Sometimes I'll find a bag and think why on earth am I keeping this!!! And will be checking back to see what you have in mind for those spools.

  12. Okay, well done :-) Wanna come and do mine now?! xxx

  13. good for you! a big task but it makes you feel great afterwards. Will check in tomorrow to see what you did with those spools.

  14. Oh you need to go to WH Smiths and get pretty lever arch files, I have aqua, pink and purple ones :oD

    BTW, want to send the gang on over her for tomorrow?

  15. There is nothing better than a good spring clean!

  16. well I am off to clean... see what you have made me do!! wonder what I can find? ... besides dust and cobwebs lol x

  17. You are a genius! I do the fabric clean quite often, but never think of pulling out the old Sizzix. I'm so following your lead next time around! Brilliant.

  18. I love a good clean, no matter what the season!

  19. I've had a mini deep clean when the weather was dry...but it was so short lived I haven't gotten any further. Well done you!

  20. Everybody pitched in? Wow, that’s some contagious spring cleaning bug! I hope it will be the same this year. Scrubbing and de-cluttering isn’t as dreadful as it seems when you're not the only one doing all these things. The task could even be a great activity for you guys!

    Lucy Andrews @ Safeclean by Guardsman


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