
Wednesday 8 May 2013


I'm slowly getting my sewing space back to functionality again so I thought I'd show you a few wee pics of what I've been up to!

Here is the spool bunting all strung up on my freshly painted floating shelves:

Old Wooden Spool Bunting

And a wider shot of the shelves and what else is on this wall:

My Sewing Room
Mini quilt made by Suzan/Quiltitis in BQSR3.
The picture frame (bottom left) got a makeover too.  It was a Mexican pine frame with my all time favourite picture of my 3 girls in it, taken some years ago, but I love it because it perfectly reflects each of their individual little characters!

Decorated Picture Frame
Glass fronted frames are so hard to photograph!
L-R: Loud and Fun; Sweet and Sensible, Away with the fairies!
I inherited this old chest of drawers when we bought the house and I'd been meaning to give it a makeover for the last 11 years!!

Chest of Drawers revamp
3 layers of paint and a pva-ed vintage sheet on top transforms it lovely don't you think!

This now forms my 'office' zone, where I sit at my laptop answering emails, writing patterns, and doing general admin stuff!

My Sewing Room

I also painted (or rather hubby painted) my cutting mat top box which you can just about see to the right of the picture above.  He also very kindly painted my mini step ladder from Ikea which I use to get to the top of my floor to ceiling shelving, but I'm still pondering how to decorate them further.

And if you haven't fallen asleep yet, I'll leave you with some bunting I made for my dormer window, again using some favourite vintage fabrics and lace.

Vintage Bunting

Vintage Bunting

There's plenty more I want to paint and improve in my wee space, but I think that's enough for one week!!

The rain returned today, which meant a return to sewing!  More on that another day!


  1. You have been busy making everything so pretty! Love love love how creative your space is looking and how it reflects your own tastes. I hope you have lots of pleasure just being you in there now, and I look forward to seeing what other renovations you have up your sleeves!

  2. That is one very tidy space Jude! Who made the stars mini?

    And is that an arched window I spied! Takes me back to - Here's a house, here's a door. Windows: 1 2 3 4, ready to knock? Turn the lock - It's Play School.

    Showing my age now!

  3. What a beautiful place to sew, I love all the little touches you have made.

  4. Oh Judith, you made me want to fix and organize my place! Your looks great, lightful and inviting to work! I wish I had some wall space ... if I manage to fix my roon, I'll show it. x Teje

  5. Wonderful! An amazing space to create. I love how well it reflects you and your creative energy!

  6. Gorgeous sewing space.
    I love that photo - it's so great when the camera captures individual personalities.
    And oh my! I love love love the bunting {of both varieties}

  7. It looks such a lovely bright space. Love that photo and the summing up of the girls' personalities!

  8. love it, great space and light and you guys have done a super job on re-purposing furniture. love the arched window, oh heck, I just love it all.

  9. It looks like a wonderful room - enjoy spending time in it!

  10. It all looks wonderful. A beautiful creative space :)

  11. its looking so lovely Jude, wish I had a whole proper room!!

  12. Oh good, now you've finished there, fancy popping over here after the windows are done on Saturday? ;o)

  13. Looking fantastic. Can't wait to do mine up when we get into the new house.

  14. Ignore me, I am just jealously sulking in the corner!

  15. Ooooo what a lovely space! and that bunting rocks :) x

  16. Looks absolutely fab Judith, must be just lovely to have a space like that to work in, lucky girl :)
    Karen x

  17. Oh your room looks lovely Judith, that old chest looks really useful.

  18. Wow, Judith! It all looks amazing! I've got crafty room envy!


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