
Sunday 19 May 2013

A Quilt to Inspire

It's that time of the year again for the twice yearly Bloggers' Quilt Festival.

This is when bloggers from all over the world get the chance to submit up to 2 quilts across a variety of categories, and bloggers get the chance to vote for their favourites.

One of the categories is Favourite Group/Bee Quilt and I thought a worthy entry would be a quilt recently made by Bee Blessed, a charity quilting bee based in Belfast & supported by International bloggers.  Our Flickr group is here.

Bee Blessed quilt Apr13

The majority of this quilt was pieced by Sarah (co-founder of Bee Blessed).  It was made for the son of one of our Bee Blessed members, who broke his back in December following a skiing accident.  He is making a remarkable recovery, & despite being unable to walk, he has an amazingly positive mindset and is inspiring all those around him. 

Bee Blessed Quilt Apr13

The words in the quilt were chosen to reflect the courage and hope that this young man gives out, but also to spur him on and encourage him in the tough days ahead.

Bee Blessed Quilt Apr13

Quilt Deets:

Name:         Words of Inspiration
Made by:     Bee Blessed
Size:            60.5" x 83"
Fabrics:       Words - varied; Background - Klona Navy
Quilted by:  River Fabrics Long Arm quilting service

Should we have the thrill of winning this category the prize of a fabric voucher will be used to purchase fabrics for Bee Blessed, so we can continue to make and donate more quilts.


  1. Lovely post - thanks for posting for Bee blessed.

  2. A great choice of entry here! The bee one is getting more challenging for me to vote on by the minute!

  3. Excellent idea Jude! And every success to the owner of this quilt!

  4. Your bee is the best, as are its quilts!

  5. What Leanne said - just such a wonderful quilt.

  6. Hi Judith! I'm happy your entered this quilt! It' is beautiful, I love the texts, colours and I do hope it gives joy and strength to him! x Teje

  7. Great choice Judith! Such a lovely quilt, I really hope you win this category!

  8. This is brilliant - the Bee Blessed team do some amazing work, well done and good luck!

  9. I so love this quilt. It is a very worthy entry. Di x

  10. I am so pleased you put this quilt in the festival, Jude. It is brilliant, and the sentiment behind it makes it that much more special.

  11. Brilliant choice for this category.x


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