
Thursday 11 April 2013

What Should I Call This One?

You may remember some months ago I made 2 sewing machine covers: Hector's House and My Wee Brother!

By popular demand, I have finally gotten around to writing the pattern for these, and tomorrow I will be teaching this!

sewing machine cover 002 (3)

I have written the pattern in such a way that folks can measure their own machines and make a bespoke cover.

I love being able to use up smaller scraps for the patchworked section of these covers, and the quilting and decorative possibilities are endless.  It was nice being able to use 2 of my Sizzix dies here!

PicMonkey Collage

There are a few more technical aspects to the construction of this cover e.g. letter-box handle opening, elasticated pocket etc., but there are ways of simplifying things e.g. go for a non-elasticated pocket instead.

sewing machine cover 006 (2)

It has taken me a looooong time to write this pattern, and once my unsuspecting willing students test it out for me in class over the next 5 weeks, I will be putting it into my Etsy shop.

So the question remains, what name shall I give this rather girly sewing machine cover?


  1. Good job missus, I'd be keen to see how you did the handle opening especially.

  2. Lovely jubbly. No names coming to me, sorry!

  3. Very nice, Mrs! Why don't you call it "Slottie" after the handle, or is that a bit dubious?! it does sound a bit dodgy now I say it out loud..just ignore me!

  4. Very nice and what a good way to pattern test on your students. No names are coming to me yet. Di x

  5. What about Heidi? has just popped into my head!!! Di x

  6. I think the H has it- 'Hesters hide' came to me. No idea why!

  7. All out of inspiration here. But liking what you made!

  8. Ethel is my go to female name...I've had lots of things named Ethel, from cars to phones....that, or Ermentrude....possibly not the most helpful comment you've ever had! Love the cover anyway. x

  9. Cunning plan on trialling it on the unsuspecting students ;o)

  10. Well done. love the patchwork. Think it'll have to be a girls name or female linked. Thanks for foundation class last night. Totally loved it. I can feel another addiction coming on!!!

  11. How about 'Sally singer' to play on another sewing machine brand?

  12. makes feel the spirit of spring time fun

  13. 'hello flower' Think you should say hello to your machine - bit rude not to!


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