
Monday 29 April 2013

Giant Bear Paws!

The latest issue of Fat Quarterly ezine has been released today, and you just might find me in there around page 46!

This issue is all about Modern Traditional - taking a traditional block or idea and modernising it.

I submitted my Giant Bear Paw Block design, which I have made up into a cushion for a good friend.

Giant Bear Paw Block for Fat Quarterly Apr13
18" x 18"

Giant Bear Paw Block for Fat Quarterly Apr13
Finished cushion 20" x 20"
I had fun making this cushion from leftover Flora charm squares, and quilting the front and the back in a square grid pattern.

Giant Bear Paw Cushion Apr13

I developed this giant block for a quilt I'll will be teaching on Friday mornings, starting 17th May.

Baby Bear Paw Class Sample Feb13
The Giant Bear Paw Blocks in this quilt are 24" x 24"
There are loads of other great patterns and ideas in the Fat Quarterly ezine.  Go check it out!


  1. Congratulations! I will have to go and get my copy to read at lunch.

  2. Brill block, but FQ isnt out yet! Not on my 'puter anyway...

  3. Woo Hoo. You are in print. I can't wait to get my copy. It is a lovely cushion. Di x

  4. love that....especially the giant version....will check the FQ magazine

  5. You quilt catches my eye time and time again. Congrats on being featured! I don't have my mag yet...hoping it comes soon as I'd love to see your star shining bright!

  6. yay!!! how wonderful, congrats!!!! Love the block, fantastic idea to make it this larger size :)

  7. Congratulations Jude! Love your cushion and your quilt! Funny I went for the Bearpaw block too :)

  8. Congrats, and love how it looks :o)

  9. I knew the big blocks would get you in the end!!
    Congratulations, it looks beautiful xxxx

  10. Congrats Judith! Both cushion and quilt look fantastic!

  11. Congrats my friend!! Love seeing your name in print and being able to say "I know her REALLY well!" Haha!

  12. Well done for being included in the mag, it's a super block.

  13. Go you! All my friends are in print these days and you should be there too. Love the cushion!

  14. I love your version... Must be the colours and fabrics as they are lovely and fresh... Perfect for spring :-)

  15. I love it - congratulations on being featured!


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