
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Who Lives in a House Like This?

I had an idea for a children's workshop I hope to run next term, and after some market research (bribing asking the children who visit and live in my house!!) decided to go with these stuffed fabric houses.

Scented Fabric Houses Feb13

I first saw this idea here, but these original houses were only 4" tall!!  Teeny! 

So I upscaled the pattern, changed a few bits, played around with designs etc. and came up with these ones.

Scented Fabric Houses Feb13

The square houses are approx. 7" tall and the taller house is approx. 14" including the hanging loop (can't you just imagine a cute wee gnome living in the tall house!!).  I used a pair of old linen trousers for the background fabric, and scraps for the rest, so a low budget make!

I also added some essential oil to the toy stuffing so they will give any room a lovely aroma!  These could easily be made into pretty doorstops too, which I will no doubt have a go at before the workshop, because making these is addictive!

Scented Fabric Houses Feb13

What I've learned from teaching children is that they are far less inhibited creatively than adults, so I think the combination of raw edge applique, bondaweb, scraps & trims will make for a really fun day!

I can see a few of these making their way onto present lists too!


As it is pancake day here in the UK, we will be having pancakes for tea (mmmm, banana, honey & crunchy peanut butter on mine!).  It is also my middle daughter's 14th birthday today, so pancakes will be followed by birthday cake and present opening! 

Hope you have a great Shrove Tuesday!  Jxo


  1. Pancakes followed by birthday cake. Now that's my kind of living! Love the not so wee houses and I would love to live in a house like any one of those three.

  2. These are adorable and will be ace as a children's workshop! Enjoy your yummy celebrations!!

  3. Your houses are beautiful - I quite like the colours you've used and the size you've made them. They are sure to be a big hit. Enjoy the birthday celebration today.

  4. These house are so adorable, fantastic idea to make them bigger!!! Enjoy your pancakes and Happy Birthday to you daughter.

  5. My first thought was door stops! I love the supersized houses - perfect for a children's class. Envious of your evening - perhaps we'll have pancakes too!

  6. Hi Judith! I love your sweet houses! Happy Birthday to your daughter - have a great pancake party! In Finland it's also a day for pancakes and pea-soup.
    I just have to make some houses, too! Please show us later all the houses made by children in your workshop. x Teje

  7. Hmmmm pancakes...
    Lovely houses, and a great plan for a class :-)

  8. Made mine with wholemeal SR flour as we ran out of ordinary! Eek! Scottish pancakes in this house!

    Cute houses - I foresee lots of trousers with bits missing!

  9. Love those lovely wee houses . Will have to see if I can get the girls interested. Hope the Birthday girl has a great day.

  10. Those houses are wonderful! I love watching children free and creative!

    Hope your pancakes were yummy...and cake! Hope you have some alka-seltzer to follow!! :o)

  11. Yes, I did pancakes too!

    Love those houses.

  12. Yum, sounds like the perfect tea to me, Happy birthday to your daughter. Love the houses too

  13. Your houses will go down a storm. Happy birthday to your daughter too. Pancakes and birthday cake...yummy.
    Di x

  14. Lovely!
    And that sounds like my perfect tea! Happy Birthday wishes your way xxx

  15. Pancakes and birthday cake, perfect dinner! Happy birthday to #2!

    Love the hice, although I'm a wee bit worried about the essential oil, as I think it will react badly to the toy stuffing over time (stuffing being polyester, and prone to degrading rather badly)

  16. Those houses are fab!! They would make great gifts xx

  17. They're fab! I love pancakes but you've managed to name my three most hated 'sweet' things and it could only get worse if you'd decided to put mushrooms and prawns in there ;o) I went with butter and sugar, yum!

  18. Hey, I recognise some of those fabrics! Glad to see you're making great use of them. I have more for you when you stay over. :-)

  19. I love the houses, but what is pancake day? Happy birthday to your daughter!


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