
Sunday 24 February 2013

Round and Round in Circles!

I've had a lovely weekend!

Yesterday, I had breakfast out with a friend, then lunch and fabric shopping with another friend!

In the evening I snuggled up with a glass of port and Mr Darcy!

Today has been gloriously sunny!  Oh how I love to sew with the sun streaming in through my window!

I've been quilting my 2012 Brit Bee quilt. 

After much deliberation, and being powered up with a granny nap, followed by one of these ....

5 Fruits Smoothie
5 fruit smoothie with coconut yoghurt
...I decided to adopt a posture of patience and quilt concentric circles, starting slap bang in the middle!

Quilting is usually my least favourite part of quilt making, mainly because the throat size on my beloved Pfaff is only 6.5" from the edge of the presser foot. 

Brit Bee quilt 003

But, for a pleasant change, I actually enjoyed quilting this one!  I think it was a combination of the sunshine, some lush variegated thread, and thinking of each member of Brit Bee and memories they hold for me as I quilted over each of their blocks.

Brit Bee quilt
It took 3 full bobbins to quilt this baby!
Tonight I plan to sew on the binding and will hopefully have some finished pics for you tomorrow!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



  1. It's actually been quite sunny here in east yorkshire today too, we took the kids out for a long walk after lunch and it was wonderful to get out in the fresh air. Looking forward to see your finished quilt photos :)

  2. Aw, you made me all soppy with this post. Thanks!

  3. It is strange how some quilts are easier to quilt than others. Perhaps it is the sunshine/memories that influence our mood. I cannot wait to see the finished quilt. Di x

  4. Yay!!! I can see my block from here! xxx

  5. Awww. Susie was soppy already ;-) This is going to be such a wonderful wonderful quilt! x

  6. Glad to hear someone else has a similar least favourite job as well as me! The quilting is something I want to do well so I find it difficult to get it to please me - maybe I need to wash the quilt afterwards!

  7. Glad I've not been the only one spinning around of late ;o)

  8. Its going to be a stunner! only bobbins, ha I just used 12 on my latest!

  9. Oh can't wait to see it all finished. Love your variegated thread!

  10. Look forward to seeing it all finished

  11. Darcy does help I'm sure, but I prefer Colin Firth! Well done for going for it! Looking forward to the ta da moment!

  12. Oh Judith! What a gorgeous weekend. I don't usually enjoy the quilting bit either but it is getting a bit easier now I have gloves and have increased the stitch length!

  13. You are one efficient quiltmaker! Can't wait to see the finished article.

  14. Your energy is contagious!! And I have the same thing about the quilting bit. I miss my partner in crime who used to do it for me when we lived close!! She hated the piecing!! :)

  15. The sun has FINALLY arrived in Galway too!
    Quilting is my least favorite bit too, but it's always worth the time and effort you put in. I can't wait to see what you create :)


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