
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Only Sisters Know!

It's my favourite sister's birthday next week (I only have 1 sister lol!).

She has requested a 'bag for life', which I will of course make her, but I was wanting to make her something a little less boring more creatively challenging!

My sister is 5 years my senior, and I grew up in awe of her, always wanting to be like her, have her wonderful clothes and confidence!

It wasn't until I was an adult that my sister told me she always wanted to be more like me!  Go figure!

So following on from the thoughtful little girl here, I sketched up a picture that only a sister would appreciate!

Sisters Know 025

Those of you who have seen my sister will know that she is the blonde and I am the (ginger faking it as a) brunette!

It's really tricky photographing something with glass in front of it, so here are some pics without the frame (the inner frame is 11.5" x 8").

Sisters Know 033

PicMonkey Collage
No, I'm not showing you a close up of that photo of us bottom right!
I'm still in awe of my sister.  She inspires me, encourages me and always makes me laugh! We are as opposite as chalk and cheese, and yet fit so well together, like peas and carrots!

Want to know what I wish I had of hers and she of mine?  Now, that would be telling! *wink*



  1. It is beautiful and your sister will love it. I have no sister and always wanted one! Di x

  2. Such a beautiful and thoughtful gift!

  3. Adorable!!!! It's so incredibly sweet, I'm sure your sister will love it.

  4. Hi Judith! That is the best present! You idea for all the little details are wonderful! Happy Birthday to your sister! What about the bag ...
    x Teje

  5. What a fabulous gift for your sister!

  6. I wish I could play guitar like my brother and had his effortless people skills. But I'm glad I don't have his hairline! Fnar.

    Lovely, lovely gift. You are a clever gurl.

  7. What a lovely design. I am sure your sister will be thrilled!

  8. You're making me teary eyed. This is so wonderful.

  9. This is brilliant, well done, I wish I'd had a sister, growing up with 4 brothers was just too much!

  10. Crumbs, your sis will definitely be in awe of you now! I know I am! This is making my heart and eyes swell with the ever so personal nature of this gift you have made to bless your sister on her birthday. It is clever, sweet and just adorable! Love your sis's Penelope Pitstop boots!

  11. So cute - your sister will be thrilled. I haven't any sisters and have at times wished I had one. Now I have lots of SiLs and that's the closest I'm ever going to get!

  12. Love the idea behind it, and the outfits too!

  13. Your sister will love it! It's beautiful along with the sentiment behind it!

  14. Love this idea - bet your sister appreciates it too. Made me smile as its just like me and my sister - I'm the brunette and she's the blonde (but I'm a year older)!

  15. aw Jude that's gorgeous! Your sis is bound to love it :-)

  16. Excellent - you are both perfectly different! I gave my big sister one of those fridge magnets saying: I’m smiling because you’re my sister . . . I’m laughing because there’s nothing you can do about it!

    Haha! She told me she thought I was confident - if only she knew!

  17. Thats a wonderful gift...gorgeous.

  18. oh that is a fantastic gift! she will love it forever! I always wanted a sister but got lumped with a wee brother yuk!

  19. I'm sure your sister will love this to bits.

  20. Judith that is very impressive, your sis is one lucky girl x

  21. What a fabulous gift...I bet she will love it!!


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