
Sunday 10 February 2013

Drum Roll Please!

I've had few presents to make for birthdays this week:

Lucy's Drumstick Roll Feb13

Number 2 daughter has requested a roll/pouch to keep her drumsticks in!

Bag for Life Feb13

And my sister-in-law is getting this 'tote for life' in the cutest wellie boots fabric I've seen!  There's no wadding in this one, so that it can be easily rolled up and stored in her handbag, so I put some French seams on the inside to make it more secure.

That's another few makes ticked off the list!


  1. Love the blog title. And the makes too.

  2. That wellie fabric is gorgeous. Great makes!

  3. Love the drum roll. No more 'sticks' on the floor to slip on (unlike my house). The wellie boot bag is perfect to pop in your handbag. Di x

  4. So if they're all in a roll, does it help you to resist the urge to poke her with one when the drumming gets too much? ;o) I have that wellie fabric too, fab isn't it? Mine's destined to be a wellie bag for the boots I keep in the care.

  5. Whoo.. I'm totally loving the wellies! I've a wee soft spot for it! And drum kits.. Is this what I have in store for me with ur daughters namesake?? Can't wait!

  6. Wow, your daughter is playing drums! That bag is beautiful and the fabric is really the best! x Teje

  7. And I thought they were knitting needles! Much cooler!

    Cute bag - just the thing for a bit of shopping - ooh la la with your French seams!

  8. I'd so be interested in a tute for your drumsticks pouch...I'd love something like that for my knitting needles. What a super gift!

  9. My brother drummed as a child - the noise was incredible. Love the drumstick roll and bags for life are the best!

  10. A boy round the corner has been playing the drums for a couple of years now and there's been a definite improvement in the last few months ;o)

    Love both your makes - gorgeous!

  11. Great presents! All you need now are earplugs! My 3 play cornets - similar decibel level! :)

  12. This tote is fab - I saw some similar wellie boot fabric on our local market, and fell in love with it - what fun x


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