
Sunday 23 December 2012

Going Green!

Details of my Tula Pink Prince Charming Giveaway are here.

Youngest daughter requested a handmade pencil case for Christmas, in her favourite colours - Green!

Pencil Cases Dec12

She likes the flat style, but I thought I'd give her a choice!

Eldest daughter got a pencil case with her messenger bag in October for her birthday, but she won't use the pencil case for school cos she says it's too nice, and doesn't want it getting ruined! Bless!

So I rustled her up a 'not so pretty' more practical one she can happily ruin with pencil leads and pens!

Shannon's Pencil Case Dec12

I'm also working on a wee Christmas quilt, which the girls are encouraging me to do. I hope to get it done by Christmas day!!!!  Wish me luck!


  1. Zipadeedoodah! - there will be more smiles in your house on Christmas day! Good on the girls for encouraging you with the Christmas quilt - hope you get a good quilting wind to help you sail along. Look forward to seeing it soon.

  2. Good luck with your Christmas quilt, I hope it is fun and relaxing to do. The presents are lovely, you make the nicest things, your daughters are very lucky.

  3. Gorgeous pencil cases! Good luck with the Christmas quilt and 'Happy Christmas!' xx

  4. Best of luck with the quilt. I have put my machine away so no temptation. Have a wonderful Christmas to all of you.

  5. Gorgeous makes! Good luck with the Christmas Quilt - hopefully mine will be finished for Christmas 2013. Merry Christmas!!!

  6. Lovely pencil cases and I hope that your Christmas quilt is nearly there. Di x

  7. There'll be nothing but smiles tomorrow xxx

  8. Lol, love that is was too good for school! Hope you got your quilt done :o)

  9. Hi Judith! I'm looking here now for a while your beautiful pouches and I love how you have made the flower! Funny thing is that now I realized that you have the same fabric with liqorice in green, that I have in blue! My sis sent it to me from England and till now I have made pin cushion with that.
    Happy New year! x Teje


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