
Thursday 8 November 2012

Vintage FQ's

I'm taking part in the UK & Ireland Vintage Sheets FQ swap, being hosted by the super lovely Mary, in January 2013.

I've been collecting vintage fabrics from charity shops for some time now, but am frustrated at how rarely I find any (esp. compared to my mainland UK counterparts!!).

During half term week, me and the kids spent an afternoon going through at least 8 charity shops, and I didn't find one vintage sheet, or anything resembling one!  Boo!

But I have enough gathered up to send 15 fat quarters to Mary this week.

When Mary has all the lovelies gathered in from the participants, she will redistribute them & I will get 15 different ones back! Win! Win!

What I really need in my vintage stash are more reds, greens & yellows (a few more pinks, purples and oranges would be nice too!).  Browns are not allowed in this swap, even though I love vintage browns! So I guess I'll just have to keep those for myself!

There is still loads of time to join in if you fancy having a swap!  You can join the flickr group here and post pics of your vintage fqs you would like to swap. There are also some lovely inspiration pics in the group of what you can make when you get your fqs back!

Have a great end to your week.


  1. I never quite know what a vintage sheet actually is. I like going around the charity shops treasure hunting. I reckon it is the thrill of the chase! Di x

  2. Great round up there, and love your skirt from yesterday too :o)

  3. I am afraid I am not into the sheets, but they look very lovely.

  4. I am tempted as I have a project in mind - have to find a sheet first though!

  5. I thought you said it was Mary running the swap - not Hadley! Good luck - may you get just the colours of vintage sheets you need!

  6. I need to go hunting but haven't been anywhere with charity shops.

  7. Love the look of these, I'm sure I can find some green and yellow - I think reds though are quite rare, I have a lovely one from my USA swap but sorry I'm not sharing that!

  8. These are so much fun..... it's great making things from old sheets, I am always trawling charity shops but haven't found much treasure recently - will keep hunting. Enjoy the swap x

  9. I picture more vintage sheet quilts in your future then. Happy swapping!

  10. You have prepared your fat 1/4s so beautifully they look fresh and new.

  11. ooo! I love the deep green that's to the right. That's just beautiful.

  12. Oh wow, lovely collection! I never find any either. :-(

  13. Have fun swapping your vintage sheets. Know of any vintage hubby swaps happening? On second thoughts maybe I'll just do a giveaway!

  14. I've never seen a vintage sheet in a charity shop but I'll keep my eyes open from now on...and pass it on to you if I find one!!

  15. I often look in charity shops for vintage sheets, but never find any!

  16. Oooh! Great selection, Judith! I'm struggling to find things at the moment.... better get a move on!!


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