
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Quilts Resurrected!

I'm starting to accumulate a few quilt tops!  Most unlike me as I tend to work on 1 quilt at a time, usually for a specific person or project.

However like the magic porridge pot, they just seem to be growing by themselves!

So I decided to move them on another stage and get them basted.

Basted quilts

Around this time last year, I took part in the Across the Seas  QAL, thinking I would make a baby quilt for my friend who was pregnant at the time, just in case she had a boy!

She had a girl!

So I lost interest in the quilt, despite having the front and back made.  The QAL ended and the quilt got relegated to the bottom drawer!

Across the Seas QAL quilt

Then I unearthed my Brit Bee quilt top, from January this year! I LOVE my Brit Bee quilt - I still smile each time I look at the blocks made by my girls!

But I didn't know what to do on the back of this quilt.  So it got parked!

Brit Bee Quilt basted

It is now half basted, while I slowly hatch a plan for the back.  As the theme of the front was log cabin, I'm thinking a Leanne style mahusive log cabin back!  Stark raving or what!

Ferry Floor is a quilt top I made this Autumn & I plan to teach it next year.  It is now basted both front and back waiting to be quilted.

Ferry Floor basted

And finally, my own vintage sheets quilt is now basted and ready for quilting (I even have the binding made!). 

Vintage Quilt Nov12

It's satisfying when projects can be moved on a stage!  But boy is there still loads to do!

Onwards and upwards!


  1. Ferry floor is great - I wonder when that inspiration came!
    And I love what you've done with that purple duvet!

  2. These all look lovely Judith, love red and aqua as a colour combination.

  3. Good for you - don't turn into a UFO queen like me! Gradually coming out from under the mountain - I only have three left now!

  4. Think of the pile of finishes!!! All looking great!

  5. Oh wow tires me out just looking at all that productivity!

  6. Goodness me! I hope you have a huge supply of thread in for all that quilting!!! Loving all of them but Brit Bee and Ferry Floor are my favourites.

  7. I can hardly bear to baste one quilt let alone that many! You are going to have so many beautiful quilts!!

  8. Oh lucky you, all those lovely quilts to quilt and finish!

  9. I kind of panic when I have more than a couple of quilts on the go. Good for you, for moving these beauties on. Di x

  10. Oh, yes, a giant log cabin back would be superb for the back of that gorgeous quilt! I love Ferry Floor, bet it looks great in so many fabric combinations!

  11. Stark raving lunacy but it will be fabulous to have a giant log cabin backing on that very special quilt. These are all so lovely - better get your quilting gloves on! Ready, steady ....

  12. oh my goodness this is filled with prettiness. love your ferry floor! beautiful.

  13. Not much to keep you going then... ;o) Looking forward to seeing the mahusive log cabin!

  14. You work just like stages with several quilts all at the same stage :o) I accumulate tops, the basted tops and then quilts...repeat as necessary.

  15. I am slow to get here. I know that if you make the huge log cabin you will love it. Just trim the logs every few to keep it from getting wonky. It goes pretty fast once you get around a bit. Now I want to make another too.


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