
Monday 22 October 2012

New Classes for 2013

I always get really excited (& a little bit nervous) when I release my program of classes for the next term.

Since September, folks have been asking me what I'll be teaching next year!  Well, you don't have to wait any longer.

You will find the full program of In Stitches classes for January to March here.

I like to rotate some of my projects through all the different classes, but I also try to put some new stuff in there too!

Like English Paper Piecing:

I had decided during the summer to introduce some EPP into my program, but it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I was convinced it was the right decision. 

I was teaching hand applique (needleturn) and was feeling a little nervous about how this lot of hard-core machinists would take an evening of sitting still working on hand sewing projects.

Turns out I had nothing to worry about!  The entire class loved the peace and quiet and stillness after a busy day, especially as they could sit and chat more!  They were even much easier to teach too!

So I'm really looking forward to introducing them to some EPP next year!  This small wallhanging is a good place to start, and even though hexies seem to be all the rage at the moment, I thought diamonds would give them even more creative possibilities.

Tune in tomorrow for previews on more new projects!


  1. Your new classes look good. Why oh why do I live so far away? I would like to stitch and natter with you. Di x

  2. Your classes always look so much fun that I too wish I lived nearer.

  3. Oh Judith, what am I to do? I wasn't going to do the E.P.P. class as I am busy with my hexies but the project looks so lovely, I may be tempted.!!!

  4. Your class students must be totally addicted to everything you offer up and waiting to pounce on the next project. Perfect! Loving that heart appliqué.

  5. Your class list is wonderful and the samples make me want to move across the sea and set up camp in Belfast! I LOVE your EPP design and fabric choice!

  6. Brilliant - your classes are too far away x

  7. EPP?? I've signed up!! Oh that was a dream...never mind. One day I'll get to a real class. I love that EPP mini!

  8. Ooooo love that EPP wallhanging - great project for an EPP class. Bet that's challenged preconceptions of hexies!

  9. Great projects, and especially love the EPP mini

  10. Love this block! Katy just showed it to me. Might do one for the Travellin' pic stitch bloghop we're doing!

  11. What an awesome set of projects. I'd jump into your class in no time. Good luck!


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