
Saturday 6 October 2012

Airing your Laundry!

The lovely Mary has put the word out about an upcoming UK vintage sheets swap!  I'm super excited about this (& would be lying if I said I had nothing to do with giving Mary a nudge to do this!). 
We are both nuts about collecting vintage sheets, as I know many of you are too!  So we thought a UK vintage sheets swap would be just the ticket to feed this addiction fascination!

The swap will be happening in the new year, but we thought we'd give you time to get scouring those charity shops and unearth some vintagey treasures.

Here's a sample of what I've collected this summer:

The first one there is actually a curtain, which I'm itching to make a skirt out of!
Now you may think that some of these are a bit on the fuddy duddy side, and not so pretty, but I've learned not to discount these, because those ugly ducklings seem to get transformed when included in a quilt with other brighter/prettier prints.

On this quilt I made for my friend, I kept to colourway bands, so I needed the brights and softer shades in 6 different colourways.

And keep your eyes out for some vintage pillowcases too.  You can get some great fussy cuts from them:

In a vintage sheets quilt I'm making for myself, I'm also including some vintage tray & table cloth embroidery:

So if you fancy adding to your collection of vintage sheets, or would like to start one, head on over to Mary's to find out more.  You can also join the flickr group here, where there will be guidelines posted about the swap, and also pictures of the sheets that will be swapped.

Hope to see you over there!


  1. Wow you have some great prints which I've not seen before, this gives me great hope for our swap! thanks for sharing

  2. Oh what a good idea....I may be tempted! Quilt looks fantastic!

  3. Sounds like a great idea. Next time I'm in a charity shop I'll look for sheets! Oh and so excited that I'll get to meet you at next years retreat! :-)

  4. Sounds just up your street - have fun!


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