
Monday 1 October 2012

A New Month!

Could someone please slow down the seasons please?

I'm reluctantly letting go of September! I was crazy busy, but you'd never know from looking at my monthly Roundup Mosaic:

I have been sewing more than what I can show you here - just so you know I haven't been lazing around all day watching day-time TV nonsense!  It is mostly class samples for the new term next year, the programme for which hopefully comes out later this month.

In Bee Blessed we have decided to run the Crazy patchwork block for one more month, so if you didn't get a chance to rustle one up in September, you have one more month to have a go.  They are starting to come in now from bloggy supporters, and they look fab! You can see all the crazy goodness for yourself here.

Linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day.

Wishing you all a wonderful start to the new month!


  1. You do more in a month than most people do in three. And I have no idea how you manage.

  2. You are always super busy and you still manage to do all the beautiful items in your Roundup. Di x

  3. What Susan said!!
    It all looks great!

  4. Some great projects in your mosaic! Love the star in star block!

  5. Slacking? Not on your nelly! You've got some wonderful makes Judith, as always, hope the madness has slowed down some :) x

  6. what a great mosaic of lovely makes.

  7. Definitely what Susan said - you really are prolific!

  8. wow, you have been really busy

  9. What gorgeous makes, I love the stars!

  10. I don't think you know how to slack!! Gorgeous makes!

  11. Working hard. Uh huh... ;o) Great job for the month, don't be whipping up too many finishes while I'm away, I'll never be able to catch up on them all ;o)

  12. Crazy seems to have summed up your month then.

  13. That is a lovely mosaic. I think it is a lot and all of it beautiful!

  14. Slacker - that's me for September! Still catching up! Goody on the Bee Blessed - an excuse to make more of those!


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