
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Stack 'n Whack Cushion

I while ago I had bought the Cosmo Cricket Circa 1934 layer cake to use for the designing of 'My First Quilt'.  When I made the quilt top, I really didn't like it - too busy and clashing without any sashing in my opinion.

Never one to waste fabric, I unpicked it all and reused most of it to make this:

This is a floor cushion, made using the Stack 'n whack patchwork method, which I'll be teaching in class this Autumn.

The black sashing really lends itself to this fabric collection and seems to calm them down somehow!

The stack 'n' whack method of piecing is great fun too, and I love the crazy patchwork effect you get from it. 

This is another great project to use with a layer cake.  Even though the blocks finish at approx. 7", they need to start off at 10" due to the number of cuts and seams allowances that go into them.

I feel much happier now that I've used Cosmo Cricket in a way that suits the fabric.


  1. The black sashing makes this a very stylish stack'n'whack! Great project for class.

  2. The cushions look fab, even if it does sound like a mad arcade game lol

  3. I currently putting the binding on a quilt using that method. I really like how you added the black sashing - looks great with that fabric!

  4. It really does work so much better with the sashing, great idea!

  5. Oh wow! Beautiful! The navy just really adds something to pull it all together.

  6. 10/10 for all that unpicking but you are so right, it looks way better in the cushion. I love Circa 1934 and have been using it this week too.

  7. Love the cushion and stack and whack is always good fun with tons of possibilities in how you spilt the stacks after the whacking.

  8. Looks fab :-) The black really works with it, dunnit :-)

  9. I loved it before, but the cushion looks great x

  10. oh this is lovely now what is stack and whack????? it sounds dangerous!!

  11. Looks lovely as a floor cushion. The black really makes it work well!

  12. It looks wonderful - well done for all that unpicking, you must have been pig sick by the end!

  13. Hey great decision! The floor cushion is just the thing! I really love it. Sometimes you just know when something isn't working and it's great when you sit back and see the fruits of your redirected labour! I really think it's fabulous, just what I need for all those hours playing on a wooden floor with Sophie :)


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