
Friday 17 August 2012

One Way Traffic!

I've noticed recently that there seems to be a lot of 'stuff' making its way into my sewing room, but not much coming out of it!

As you may remember I came home from holiday last month with a large wicker basket full of fabric remnants and purchases.

Last week, my neighbour was having a clear out and gave me approx. 150 fat quarters (not of the modern variety, but I will still definitely use them - no doubt Bee Blessed will benefit).

Today my sister gave me several bags of clothes (some of which need altered to fit my irregular sizing - get ready to work Martha!) and I also received a donation of curtains and curduroy!

All are now dumped stuffed into my sewing room, which was already bulging at the seams!  Oh dear!  I really need to redress the direction of this traffic!

And here is one more item which I am more than happy to accept into my sewing room.

As a welcome to everyone in the new Hipbees bee, my most thoughtful friend Sarah made everyone a Zakka pouch and conspired with my daughter to make a mini bee charm. 

I've decided to keep my water soluble marking pens in this pouch, which will save me time routing around in my pen pot trying to find them!

And I love these wee bees cos they have flowery bottoms!  Jan got a much better pic of it than me! 


Now we've all got hippy 'bum' bees!


Thank you Sarah for such a cute and thoughtful gift! 


  1. Those bees are priceless! Now get sewing. ;-)

  2. Oh, now. That's the cutest thing ever.

  3. I love my bee. I love being in the hipBee's too. :-)

  4. Oh very cute. Great daughter you have there!. Don't worry about the one way will all be used one day!

  5. Oh wow, a bee with gifts! I love the zakka pouch and the little bee. It sounds like you might need a storage shed for the incoming fabric however.

  6. Great idea to use the pouch for fabric pens, I'm going to pinch that idea and do the same x

  7. They are so cute: you have a very talented daughter there!

  8. I also love my hippy bee. Thank Shannon for me ( & the girls). Looking forward to seeing the traffic coming out of the sewing room! Di x

  9. Those bees are just the cutest! So thoughtful of Sarah to make everyone lovely little gifts!

  10. Perhaps you'll need a sewing room extension to house your incoming wares! So glad you liked the pouch and the Bee.


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