
Sunday 5 August 2012

More Wonky Houses!

Agnes is our Queen bee this month in the Modern Irish Bee.

She sent us the most wonderfully bright fabrics to work with and wasn't fussy at all about what dimensions the blocks turned out!

I had no more of Agnes's solid blue left to finish the sky, so I've asked her to add another strip to the top.
We were also allowed to throw in a few of our own fabrics too, so I added some daisies and the bird in the first block, and a few more girly pink squares to the 2nd block.

There are some really funky and wonky houses popping up in the group - you can see them here.


You might be pleased to know that Martha now has 3 legs, albeit one of them wooden! 

Now she stands upright in my sewing room, and frightens the life out of me everytime I turn round and think someone has crept up on me!  She's got a naughty side that one!


  1. Poor Martha.. She's no longer leg less!! Love ur Wonking! X

  2. Fun house block, wonky is always god.

  3. Fab blocks! I love the strawberry jam too! I think you ned to give Martha a talking to, perhaps she just needs a bit of decoration to bring out her true character :)

  4. LOL Could be worse, at least Martha is headless - no blank stare to meet you every time she freaks you out.... *shiver*

  5. Are you sure Martha doesn't come to life in the dark ;o)

  6. You're so great at the little fussy cut surprises. Great blocks...Agnes will be thrilled I'm sure :)

  7. Fun hice, and well done for balancing Martha's drunken act out ;o)

  8. Manic Martha!! You'll have to dress her in something quirky and fun quickly so she stops freaking you out.

    At this rate you'll be churning out house blocks in your sleep! These are great - so bright and wonky!

  9. excellent wonkiness! you are a busy bee! (lol geddit?? arf arf ! )

  10. Nice blocks and great news about Martha.


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