
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Buttons & Blessings!

I wanted to make my secret Brit Quilt Swap partner a wee handmade something, to go with her mini quilt and charm squares.

This particular person loves buttons & linen (a girl after my own heart) so I made her this:

This pouch gave me another opportunity to use the vintage lace I've aquired and a recycled Pilgrim necklace made the perfect zipper pull!

So now I've got something to put the charm squares and ribbon into for my secret partner!

And today my daughter got some long sought after sewing time with mum, and made an Antique Tile block for Bee Blessed.

Would you just look at that sneaky Martha trying to photo bomb!
Another one of my very talented students has started her own blog!  I'd love it if you would pop over to The Flax Mill and say hi to Ainslee!  She is about to have her first baby in a few weeks time - I see lots of baby quilts in her future!

The sun is shining, it's a glorious day!

I hope you are enjoying this day, whatever you are doing, wherever you are doing it!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Those buttons are amazing! Looks like a really lovely pressie for your partner - she'll love it! :)

  2. That is a beautiful pouch and also the block is lovely. I will check out the new blog too.

  3. I love the pouch! Your daughter did a brilliant job with that block - please pass on my compliments!

  4. Lovely block made by your middle child! And I think that pouch is gorgeous. Your partner will be thrilled.

  5. That pouch is gorgeous and didn't your daughter do well with that block!

  6. Pilgrim necklace zip pull? Now thats posh!!! Such a pretty & thoughtful zippy though, deserves pilgrim :-) lol
    Daughter has done an awesome job on that block too, so chuffed for you that you can have some mother / daughter sewing time, its great fun!

  7. Wow!
    Boy do I wish that I was your secret partner in the Swap.
    That pouch is amazing ♥

  8. I love the effortless way you put these gorgeous thing together.
    That's a really impressive block too, well done daughter.

  9. Your little buttony purse is just lovely! Your partner will be thrilled!

  10. Wow, you little marvel you! That is such a gorgeous pouch, your partner is going to be thrilled indeed! In fact I Amy be a little gutted! didn't your wee girl do a fantastic job with her block, brilliant! x

  11. ooo I love linen and buttons, is it for me? ;)

  12. Gotta love fab buttony pouches and sewing time with mum

  13. Adorable pouch, lucky partner.
    Talented daughter!

  14. adorable!
    Well done to your daughter as well...precious times together!

  15. Love the pouch for your lucky partner - I happen to love lace and buttons to you know - couldn't get lucky enough to have you as my partner though.

    I love that Antique tile block - thanks to B from me for her BB contribution - that's what I like to see, starting them young! What a great way for her to learn and practice some new things. Ab fab!

  16. That pouch with the buttons is gorgeous!. I just received a pack of assorted buttons with my Mollie Makes magazine today...I know exactly how I want to use them!


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