
Friday 10 August 2012

A Hot (Lacey) Mess!

I had recently been given a stash of vintage lace and trims, some of which were still in their original packaging.

Some if it had become discoloured and stained over time, so I unravelled the lot, and washed them on a 'delicates' cycle.

This is what they looked like after being in the tumble dryer!

Clean and fluffy, but incredibly tangled!

So while watching team GB completely fluff the 4 x 100m this evening, I unravelled, untangled and made sweet little balls of lace!

What I should really be doing with these next is ironing them out and re-carding them.  But after spending 4 hours helping the oldest teenager gut her bedroom today (4 bin bags later!) I have run out of steam! 

They are safely back in their vintage tin, and I just know I won't ever get around to re-carding them.  That doesn't mean I don't have lots of plans for these lovelies - they will most certainly get used!

Tomorrow is my first of two 'Christmas in August' open workshops.  I briefly thought about bringing in the Christmas cd and tinsel, but I just can't bear it! But I am looking forward to seeing what Christmas delights folks decide to make!

Hope you've had a great end to the week!


  1. I just know you will make fabulous use of all that delicious lacey goodness. Hope the Christmas workshop is loads of fun - best avoiding the festive CDs for a while yet I think!

  2. One of our local fabric shops sells wee bundles of lace which I'm forever picking up 'just in case' they come in useful for something, so I'll be watching to see what you do with these lol

  3. old lace is just so wonderful to use ... and look at x

  4. Goodness gracious, Great Balls of,Lace! Have a merry Christmas in August today. X

  5. Glad they all untangled... I thought this post was going to have a disaster on its hands! And well done getting the teenagers room gutted :-) Rest up now x

  6. Now that looked like quite the job, but worth it. Can you send Shannon over and I'll teach her to bake more things if she teaches the girls how to gut a room?!

  7. For a moment I feared there wasn't a happy ending to this tale!!

  8. Wow, lucky you, I love lace but I never use it. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with it, and pressing it as you need it will work just fine.

  9. This looks like a great stash! Lucky you!

  10. You are making me think of Christmas trees with lace snow!

  11. Know how you feel, I wore my Santa hat for all of 5 minutes at mine.

  12. Beautiful! Lace should be added to everything :)


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