
Monday 23 July 2012

I've finally started!

Well the rain hasn't stopped ALL DAY!

Not that it mattered as I was pattern writing for 5 hours of the day!  Not my favourite pastime, but oh so satisfying when I get another one finished!

I did manage to make a start on my Brit Quilt Swap R3 mini quilt though!

7" square

I was initially delayed on this one as I waited for a book to arrive.  Then I went on holiday!

But I got this wee block paper pieced today in about an hour.  My secret partner loves paper piecing, birds & log cabins among other things, so I thought I'd roll a few of her favs into one design.

I plan to do at least one more birdhouse and then see where I go from there (organic designing!).

I haven't managed to photograph all my holiday fabric purchases yet, but here are a couple of vintage sheets I found in charity shops.

I'm hoarding collecting vintage sheets until I have enough to make a quilt (or two!).  I love scouring charity shops for bargains!


  1. Great finds in the charity shops! Your BQS start is beautiful, can't wait to see what you do next.

  2. Don't even mention the rain! I have a 10k to do in it after work tomorrow (it's not meant to stop til Wdnesday - ugh!)

    Still, loving the look of the BQS mini :o)

  3. I love that red house block! And the sheets are beautiful.

  4. Rain? What's that!??
    Great block and lucky finds x

  5. Welcome back Judith. Spent all day yesterday in the rain, in Glasgow - yuk!

  6. Love, love, love that bird house. Your partner will be thrilled.

  7. Woohoo! You are home and back blogging. You have been missed. The bird house is sweet. Btw please don't send the rain our way! Di x

  8. Woohoo great sheet finds! I'm impressed that you found time to charity shop!

  9. I am hating this rain!!!! Even a wee glimmer of sunshine to brighten things a bit would be nice! Love the birdhouse! The sheets are so hippy!

  10. Oh no for the rain when it's scorching hot here and wall to wall blue sky. I love what you'd done so far with BQS3. It would never have occurred to me to look in a charity shop for a vintage sheet. Yet where else would you look really?!

  11. Ooh love your vintage sheet idea! I was scouring charity shops last week for just that... I wasnt so lucky :-( Love your birdhouse!

  12. What a great block! Super pattern. I'm sure your partner will love it!

  13. Love those vintage sheets: I can never seem to find any! Your BQS3 is looking fantastic

  14. Love your bird house, its just gorgeous!

  15. I love the bright, cheery birdhouse! And finding vintage sheets at thrift shops is such fun. I found a neat chartreuse one the other day :-)

  16. I love the birdhouse!! I'd have paid good money to swap our weather on Monday, some rain would have been nice...I hope it's brighter now?


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