
Friday 27 July 2012

70 mph Paper Piecing!

I promised you some sewing, and here it is!

I packed some English Paper Piecing, for piecing while in .... England! 

These 5 stars were almost completely sewn while travelling at speed along various motorways and dual carriageways through England and Wales!  I didn't even know I could sew in a speeding car until I tried it, and was relieved to find that I could, & had something to distract me from the monotony!

(No I wasn't driving at the same time - I can multi-task but I'm not that good!)

I'm thinking of teaching EPP in class next year, so thought I would use this time as an opportunity to make a start on class samples.

I also managed to get a few more 'granny flowers' sewn, which I started an embarrassingly long time ago as part of the Hexalong QAL Lynne was hosting last year.  I will get it finished, sometime!

I went right off these vintagey flowers last year, but they are growing on me again, perhaps because I'm working with some lucious vintage sheets at the mo! (More on that another day!)

BTW, Lynne has just posted some great tips on how to 'go faster' with your EPP. Check it out!


My no.1 daughter has been busy this summer improving the look of her wee Etsy shop and adding in some new items. 

She has blogged about them here, and she'd love it if you took a wee peek in her shop! There are some adorable pin toppers in there!  Just saying!


  1. This is speed piecing - it could become an olympic sport lol! di x

  2. They look lovely! the stars look so small. I could never sew in a car ... oh maybe because I am almost ever the driver *gg*

  3. Well done, although glad to see you weren't multi-tasking too much ;o)

  4. Looks lovely and very neat. We rarely go on long journeys so the thought of sewing in the car has never really occurred to me, maybe I'll have to factor in a journey somewhere!

  5. Sewing while driving - imagine!
    Love the stars, I am doing a hexie workshop later this year, who'd have thought??

  6. Loving the paper pieced stars-I did some a few weeks back: very satisfying.

  7. I can drive ... NEVER bejond the speed limit of course! ... and I can sew ... occasionally at speed! But even as a passenger I can not sew in a moving car! Not unless I want the consequences on my sewing!! lol x love paper piecing ... and GREEN x

  8. I keep telling my kids I want to learn to knit and drive at the same time. We travel so much by car that in my family everyone does something in the car, read, knit, sew, video game, etc. I love your epp and your daughter's pintoppers are adorable.

  9. I love all your EPP, especially the granny flowers - are you going to start hexing-a-long again? I hope so!!

  10. Groovy green stars - one day when I finish that hexie quilt I started two summers ago.....

  11. Love your green stars! I too am working on some hexies at the moment and I really need to finish them up.

  12. Love your green stars! They could easi
    Y slot in with your he I flowers! and Shannon's
    On toppers are gorgeous!

  13. The stars look gorgeous. I've never tried sewing whilst travelling. You did so well!

  14. your paper piecing is lovely! you should def teach it as it is a great skill and esp for beginners to the world of quilting or those who maybe are a little daunted by the sewing machine!

  15. Those stars are just fantastic! I've never tried sewing in the car before, but I might give it a go next time there's a road trip (and I'm not driving!)

  16. Yum! Love your green EPP stars! I'd get sick and confused stitching in a car like that. You're so lucky :)


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