
Thursday 14 June 2012

Run Forrest, Run!

Today was sports day for my youngest daughter.  This means, the last EVER sports day I will be required to attend as a parent!  As my daughter prepares to leave primary school in 6 weeks time, I'm slowly ticking off the 'lasts' (last school concert, last school trip, last sports days, and soon, last round of teachers' pressies!).

Bethany - middle of picture
Now my daughter's primary school don't usually have a parents' race, but this year they decided it would be hilarious to humiliate the parents by making them compete in 4 x 80m relay races! Typical this is the one year hubbie decides not to attend!

And so wracked with guilt at not being able to attend all the required school outings, I allowed myself to get talked into representing Room 13!  (My eldest daughter was with me and almost turned green at the thought of being showed up by mum!).

I hadn't come prepared, and had to borrow a pair of trainers from my daughter's 11 year old friend!  Oh why did I choose today to wear the trousers that are too short in the leg (they were tucked down boots up til now) with socks that didn't match!

I leave you with the photographic evidence (see if you can spot me!) and the pride that as my team came 3rd, the first 3 teams had to run again, only this time against the teachers!  No guesses for who came last!!

I left school today with one child grinning from ear to ear in pride, the other hastily distancing & disowning herself from me and my leg muscles screaming at the fact they haven't been made to run in about 20 years!

I think I might be paying for it tomorrow!


  1. Well done you! I refuse year in and year out, explaining to my always very disappointed children that I am not built for speed. I tend not to point out that I have a few years extra compared to some of their friend's mothers too!

  2. Well done you! I don't think they did parents races at my nieces primary school. But then I seem to remember a parent hitting a teacher when their child didn't win a race. So yeah prob explains why no races!

  3. Look at you! Way to jump in full force and embrace sports day. Well done, J!

  4. Lol :) I was always glad to be able to hide behind my walking stick when it came to sports day! Good on you for taking part. Hope it doesn't take you too long to recover.

  5. Well done! I was happy just to watch my son running and hope they never ever have this idea at our school!

  6. Crikey - you are a good! Mad, but good!

  7. Awww where's the close up??? I wanted to see your trouser/sock situation....
    Well done for running in the races, and bonus points for only shaming one child :-)

  8. Be pleased that one child was proud - only another year or two 'til they both die of embarrassment!

  9. You mad mad woman! You will know about it tomorrow as you get out of bed. Lol. Di x

  10. Lol, but on the bright side, it's the last ever time you can get conned into something like that!

  11. Hehe! I always refused - the parent races were made lethal by some very competitive parents! Injuries always ensued!

    But well done you - you still looked elegant even in running mode!

  12. I really, really don't miss sports day!!!


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