
Saturday 9 June 2012

Lovely People!

I was let out for the afternoon today, so I headed into town and my first stop was a local craft/food market, which I'm ashamed to say, I'd never been to before.  It was a feast for the eyes, and the nose, with so many wonderful foods and creations to look at.

Then it was time to meet up with 2 lovely people.  My friend Sarah, and Di, a bloggy friend and FQR attendee, who is in Belfast this weekend.

We plonked ourselves down in a coffee shop and didn't move for the next 3 hours!  It was a wonderful afternoon of chatting, laughing and sharing!  We 3 bloggers have much in common, so the time went by in a flash!

Before we left, we accosted a young and trendy shop assistant to take some pictures of the 3 of us! The poor chap seemed to know we don't get out much so he just humoured us!

And then sadly it was home time!  Back home on the bus to laundry, dishes and family movie night!

I've also been having a free motion quilting fest the past 2 days, which I'll tell you about another time!

Hope you are having a great weekend.


  1. Without our crazy lady interlude in House of Fraser it could have been laundry and dishes all day! We need to get out more often!!!

  2. Heya glamourous ladies! Glad you had a nice time out! Is that quilt done then !? One more ticked off the list! Keep calm Jude and carry on!

  3. Lucky you! I got to know Di at the dinner at the retreat, she is lovely and I would love to meet Sarah in person.

  4. Sounds like the perfect afternoon to me, until you got to the dishes part. Would have loved to have been there too..

  5. I spent some time with Di at the FQ weekend: she is such a lovely person (and lives very near to my brother!) How lovely to get to meet up again just after the retreat weekend

  6. Sounds like another lovely Saturday xxx

  7. Looks like a grand time :o) When you are with the right people the environment doesn't need to be any more exciting than the House of Fraser :o)

  8. No, you definitely don't get out much ;o) Glad you had such a fun time though, all of you :o)

  9. What a wonderful way to spend a few hours!! FMQ? Off to see what I've missed!

  10. It sounds all so much fun! Well apart from the going home bit to do the dishes!

  11. Hi. I have just got back home after the most brilliant long weekend. Our meet up was such fun. Never knew one coffee could last three hours! Di x

  12. What a great way to while away an afternoon.


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