
Thursday 28 June 2012

'Here Come The Girls!'

I am delighted to announce a new Blogging Bee called:


When Di and Sarah and I met up for coffee recently, Di suggested how she would love to be in a bee with UK based bloggers of small blogs (I keep going to say 'small bloggers' but that implies something completely different!!).

I'm not entirely sure what defines a small blog, but I kind of invited myself along, even though I'm already in several other bees (I know, I'm bee greedy!).

And so Hipbees was formed!  Sarah is the queen of naming things, and didn't disappoint this time either!  How cool is the name! It sooooo appeals to my inner hippy!

The other 11 cool, hip 'n happenin' chicks are:

Tanya - Second Chance Tan -
Rachel - Mamma Fairy Sews -
Karen - Lisnaweary Quilts -
Collette - Poppie and Poochie -
Renee - Nellie's Niceties -
Lynz - Domestic Light and Magic -
Catherine - Sew Wonderful Life -

and our uber cool Mama,

Di - Willowbeck Designs -

We will officially get under way in August, but we just thought we'd let you all know what we're about.

After I had posted yesterday about my birthday pressies, I got one more in the post!

Even the wrapping is adorable!  Imagine saying this with the M&S voice 'This isn't just wrapping; this is Mish Mash Mama wrapping!'

Amazing stitchery, copied from my new blog header!
Terri, you rock! Your creativity and talent are awe inspiring!  I love my special notebook, and I'm even going to keep the wrapping!  Thank you my friend!

And just before I go, the secret partners in the Brit Quilt Swap Round 3 were announced today!  I got a goodun'!

Have a happy, hippee Thursday!


  1. Yay for the hipbees. The next 12 months is going to be fun. As for the pressie from Terri - she has you taped! Di x

  2. Great group of girls in your bee. It will be a good one for sure. And lovely gift from Terri too.

  3. what a cute pressie and hooray for the hipbees!! this shall be fun x

  4. Your bee group sounds like a great laugh :-)

  5. You're going to have a fabulous time with your new bee and I love your present from Terri!

  6. I'm very excited about the hipbees!! X

  7. Ab fab notebook pressie! So exicted about the Bee!!

  8. I can normally spell "excited" - just got carried away trying to sneak in a comment on my lunch break!

  9. Sounds like a great bee, I am sure you will have fun. And lovely present too.

  10. Yay! Really excited to get under way :) Great pressies from Terri too :)

  11. Isn't Terri a star!!?

    Looks like a fun Bee group xxx

  12. Love the name of the new bee!! Can't wait to see what you get up to!

  13. Oh the fun I could have with the name of your new Hippie bee group! Great bunch of gals you've got in with there :) xox
    You're very welcome for the present, glad you liked it.

  14. Loving the new bee name, have fun! Oh, and ultra cool pressie and wrapping too...

  15. love your pressie ! I got one too with my name badge! And the wrapping Terri does is surely part of the present!


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