
Monday 4 June 2012

FQR 2012 - The People

This weekend has been a blast!

Despite the exhaustion of travelling and not getting much sleep, I thoroughly enjoyed the retreat and am definitely up for it again next year (hint, hint FQ team!).

Even though I was only attending one day of the retreat, there has been much to process! My head feels like porridge at the moment - a swirling hot gloop of new sights, sounds, experiences and people, too soon starting to evolve into wonderful memories.

Hands down the highlight of the weekend for me was meeting my Brit Bee friends and other blogging buddies.

So over the next few days I'm going to blog about the retreat in parts.  This post is all about the very special people I had the fun and privilege to meet.

My travelling buddy and 'roomie' - Sarah

All except Laura-Jane made it into this picture (see below). This is the quilt called Project 51 which we made for Terri while she was going through cancer treatment. I'm sure the other girls would agree that this was the quilt that bound us 12 ladies together in friendship early on in our Brit Bee adventures & also for the past year (more pics on this quilt and others to follow).

Terri is an inspiration to me, and a very dear friend.  She isn't blogging at the moment (yet!) but you can read more about her here.

Laura-Jane, our Bee Mama!
As we embark on year 2 of the Brit bee, we are sadly losing Judith, who is stepping down for a while. However, the multi-talented, shy & retiring (not) Katy is stepping into the breach!  Welcome aboard K!

Most of the pics so far have been of my Brit Bee buddies, but I had the great privilege of meeting up with some other bloggy friends too.  In picture 6 above you can see Kat (with LJ) and in picture 7 Cindy is at the left of Hadley, and Nicky on the right.

And here are a few more bloggy friends:

Me & Di

Me & Nicky (proud owner of my Martha May handbag!)

Shevvy (cheeky chops!)

Leanne & Terri
There were many others I met but didn't manage to get pictures of, and others I would have liked to meet, but didn't manage to!  Apologies to those of you who I didn't get to meet personally. It was so funny (if a little overwhelming at times) when folks came up to me smiling and saying 'Hi Judith' and I'm looking at them thinking 'who are you?'.  It would inevitably turn out to be someone that I've been blog chatting with for months, but never knew what they looked like! Thank goodness most of us were wearing name badges!

Well I think that will do for my first post on FQR.  There are lots more pictures to look at on the flickr group here, and no doubt you will see even more on other blogs.

I hope you've had a wonderful Jubilee weekend!


  1. It was nice to meet you in person. Maybe next time you can stay for the whole weekend ;-)
    I will definitely be sending fabric your way when I get home.

  2. Hey judith looks like u had a great time!! Can't wait to see the rest of ur photos!!

  3. It was brilliant to meet you! The whole weekend and everyone was fab but it wouldn't have been right without the Brit Bee gang all being together too.

  4. It looks and sounds absolutely amazing.
    Your pics and recap is fab xxxx

  5. It was lovely to meet you, even if it was just for a few minutes. It was such an amazing weekend!

  6. Sounds like a blast...let's hope FQ do it again next least there won't be a Jubliee going on the very same weekend and I might be able to attend :o)

  7. It was probably the most overwhelming and fantastic weekend since I got married! So lovely to meet at last - next one, we need more time!
    (PS I love that in your mosaic it looks like Fiona has teddy bear ears!) xxx

  8. Can't believe you used that picture! Serves me right for sticking my tongue out at you....

    Sunday was quieter and less manic so it was easier to talk to and Katy confirmed they would do it there again next year.

    Great to me you.

  9. Great post Judith :-) I'm determined to get there next year!

  10. LOVE all these pics J :o) They make me a little bit tearful just looking at them. I think Leanne and Kat have pictures of all of us with P51!

  11. It was very overwhelming, and LOUD! but I loved it, and meeting you and brit bee was priceless :-)

  12. What a great post! Thanks so much for helping me put faces to names (and vice versa!) as I've spent the weekend looking at photos and wondering who lots of people were!!

  13. It was lovely to meet you and all the rest of the lovely Brot Bee ladies - made the whole thing much less overwhelming to 'know' a few people before arriving! Can't wait to do it all again next year (hopefully) :)

  14. Hey lovely! What a weekend! My face is sore from smiling so much, like on my wedding day. Meeting up with all you lovely Brit bees was the icing on the cupcake. Meeting all lots of other bloggies was the cherry on top. I'm up for next year too.

  15. Another great FQR post. I so hope they do it next year because I plan on going!

  16. Lovely post, it was so fun to meet you in person, and meet everyone else too. I will email you the picture with Laura in it.

  17. What a great post! Perfect summary of the weekend. I'm sorry I missed saying good bye to you ladies before you scooted home. I really enjoyed our time together! xx

  18. FQR envy setting in! Glad you had such a lovely time and made/met up with such great peeps!!

  19. You are such a glamour girl Jude! Loved loved meeting you! Martha sends her best wishes!

  20. It was a good weekend! Di x

  21. Love this post. Such great pics and that project 51 quilt is still making me cry! X

  22. thank you so much for coming and being a part of our first retreat, it was so amazing to see all of you together i one place. xxxx

  23. Oh excellent pictures, Mrs. It was SOOOOOOOOOO lovely to meet you, you're even more fab in real life! must do it again :) xxx

  24. it makes me want to cry & I wasn't even there! great post jude & great pics (espesh the one of you & Sarah!) x

  25. *not* shy and retiring?! What are you trying to imply... ;o) 'Twas lovely to meet you (and scare the crap out of you ;o) )

  26. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  27. Glad you had such a great time. See you next year!

  28. Just love the project 51 quilt and all of the photos of you all together! See you next year!


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