
Thursday 7 June 2012

FQR 2012 - The Fabric

I promise this will be the last post on FQR!  If you have stuck with it this far, well done and thank you!

My hand luggage was considerably heavier on the return journey!  Here's why:

The goodie bag of treats we received Saturday morning!

A collection of fqs and yardage from the fq swap, fugly fq swap and an early birthday pressie from Terri. 

A FQ bundle I won from the uber generous free raffle.

Pressies from Brit Bee friends.
Apologies for the poor quality pics.  I took these on Sunday when I got home - I felt completely jet lagged despite only travelling 300 miles!!

Well that completes my roundup of FQR 2012.  Talks are already afoot for 2013 but I promise not to mention it until nearer the time!

Hopefully normal blogging (& life) will resume this week!


  1. J if I had known that your bag was weighed down by fabric I would have relieved you of it! Di x

  2. You did well on the fabric! I am glad I am not the only jet lagged person.

  3. Jet lagged, yes, that sums up how I feel too. But it was worth it. See you there next year.

  4. some many lovely things! that was an amazing goodie bag :)

  5. I am suffering post-Retreat depression - need a date for next year to perk me up!

  6. I'm STILL feeling jetlagged! I need to sleep for a week! Loved these posts J, really kept the feeling going ;-)

  7. Oooh great swag. And only 300 miles! I got tired just thinking about it!

  8. What a great pile of goodness - I hope you have fun with it all. Are you making something for yourself with that gorgeous bundle? (Please say yes!)

  9. Not much extra to stow in there then ;o) Hope they weren't weighing things at the airport lol

  10. Yum, yum and yum again. Amazing goodies! Enjoy them my friend!

  11. What fun! Enjoy your new goodies.


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