
Saturday 16 June 2012

A feast for the Eyes!

A friend and I had breakfast at our local indoor Market!  There are so many amazing food and crafty stalls here, it is a feast for the eyes!

To eat,  we could choose from all sorts of fresh bread, Cuban & Mexican food, Curries, Ulster Fry, pies & tarts & more, but we went for freshly made crepes (with strawberries, banana and maple syrup) before wandering around the different stalls.

The cupcake stalls particularly impressed me (I have an incurable sweet tooth!).

One of many cupcake stalls!  Yum

The Seaweed Stall!

These are Cake Pops!  I had to pick up a last minute birthday pressie for a girly-girl, and thought these sponge covered lollypops looked really cute.  They were boxed up in a pastry box, so when I got home I recycled a jam jar, some tissue paper, clear wrap and curly ribbon, and voila!  A much nicer display for these yummy lollys.

I also rustled up a make-up pouch when I got home, to go with the cake pops, threw a few other goodies inside, and that was another birthday present sorted!

Have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. I so wish I lived near a food market like that. Oh I would be in heaven!

  2. It is my youngest's birthday today, is yours today or tomorrow? And a happy birthday to her, the cake pops are too cute as is the bag.

  3. I love food markets like that. Your pictures have me drooling. Love what you did with the cake pop display and the co-ordinating bag!

  4. ooooh I could get a kebab skewer and stick it in the Manor House hubby wanted tomorrow and give it a fancy name!!

  5. Mmmmm chocolate and chilli, my fave. Great gift that you rustled up!

  6. such a pretty pressie bundle. Awwww I feel soooo hungry now!! Off to scramble an egg :-(

  7. Looks like you had a good time with all that choice. The Cake Pops look very sweet! Hope you popped some toothpaste into that zippy. Di x

  8. You 'rustled up' that pretty pouch?!! It's gorgeous! The cakes look delicious!

  9. Think pink! Too nice to munch!


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