
Monday 25 June 2012

Another Year Older!

It was my birthday yesterday!

Thank you to everyone who has wished me happy birthday!  It was a lovely quiet, relaxing day - just what I needed after a busy weekend!

I will do a wee post soon on the goodies I received, but I've waited too long already to update you on our Exhibition Day on Saturday.

To say that the day went well would be an understatement!  I'm struggling to find adequate ways to describe how the event went over.  So I'll use some of the words that others used to describe the event:

Brilliant!                 Amazing!                     Smooth Running!                       Well attended!

Inspiring!                 Warm atmosphere!            Community!                   Peaceful!

Quality!                    Fabulous!                    Proud!

You can see better quality pics here, taken by a friend as an army of amazing volunteers helped to set up the Exhibition on Friday evening.

And Sarah has a brilliant pic of our Bee Blessed Stall here:

As I was doing a really good impression of a headless chicken all day, I foolishly didn't get many pictures taken, but here are a few I managed to get with relatively steady hands!

One of the main aims of this day was to give my students from the past 3 years the opportunity to showcase the wonderful things they've made in class.  The visitors who spoke with me said they were blown away by the standard and variety of items on display!  Well done ladies!  Seeing all your items on display was a hugely proud and emotional moment for me!

Another aim of the day was to raise funds for 2 charity groups that are close to my heart - Oasis Quilting Group and Bee Blessed.  In total, almost £1000 was raised for the 2 groups! 

Thank you everyone for coming out in the dodgy weather to support our Exhibition and Fund Raiser!  Your support has meant so much. 

And thank you too to the stirling group of ladies (& a few husbands!) who worked tirelessly over the weekend to make this event run so smoothly and be the great success that it was!

At my most tired moment on Friday evening I thought to myself 'I don't ever want to do this again!'  Of course I've completely changed my mind!


  1. Belated happy birthday, and woohoo, glad everything went so well for you all!

  2. I am so very pleased for you all, and what a fabulous sum of money to have raised. Well done to everyone involved!

  3. What a beautifully set up show, and congratulations on raising so much money too. I hope you have a good rest too.

  4. Happy belated birthday, glad you had a lovely day. Well done on raising such an amazing amount of money: a reflection of all the hard work that you all put in

  5. Happy Birthday! What a wonderful present you made yourself with this brilliant exhibition! It is great if it works out! You all did an amazing job :)

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! The exhibition looks fantastic! Well done making it such a success and raising so much money!

  7. Oh brilliant - well done you, Sarah and all your clever ladies!

  8. Happy birthday!! you are in the midst of it just now aren't you?? all good of course! well done on the success of the exhibition and the money raised. Go you! Loving your daughter's business venture, what a clever cookie and those new cushions are fab. How do you find the time? love Collette x

  9. Wow, Judith! Everything looks amazing!! Well done again! (and happy belated birthday!)

  10. Happy belated birthday! Glad it all went so well! That's an amazing sum of money to raise, good on you all :-)

  11. Great news :-) Nice to hear you got a decent sum of cash from it too for your charity groups. Well done sweetie x

  12. Had every faith in you Jude! Glad it went that well! You must all be so pleased and proud!

    Congrats for the show and for coming of age at last!

  13. Happy birthday and well done on your fundraising! Wish I could have been there!

  14. Happy Birthday and well done on the fundraising.

  15. How brilliant! And happy belated birthday!

  16. This is just super brilliant. I love that you did this at all, but esp to raise money for a great cause. I think your table looks just fantastic!

  17. Happy birthday Judith. I hope that you had a nice day. Your exhibition looks amazing. You have done a great thing there. Well done Mrs H! Di x


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