
Sunday 20 May 2012

'Surf Time' Delivered

Remember I was making this quilt for my nephew's 18th birthday?

Well last Friday, said nephew received his quilt, especially couried to Bournemouth by my parents and presented in Hot Rocks Surf cafe!!  What a perfect setting!

I'm told he loves it, but as he's heading off on holiday soon without the 'oldies' for the first time, it might be a while before he needs it!


  1. It looks fantastic! Love your quilting!

  2. Oh, that look on his face, bit too cool to have his photo taken, slightly embarrassed 18 yr old! Gorgeous quilt - am I spotting some Swoon in it? I have some and have been thinking it would be good for a boy quilt!

  3. I really like the geometric shapes in this quilt and the fabrics are very 'boyish'. Nephew looks pleased! Di x

  4. Well I think that look says that he approves :)

  5. You are the best auntie possible! Well done you. And I hope he has a good holiday!

  6. I love that..It is bright yet appropriate for a boy! Good Job. I also love the pattern!

  7. He is so lucky, the quilt is gorgeous!

  8. what an amazing quilt, perfect for a surfer dude

  9. It's lovely, you are a wonderful aunt!

  10. Love how everybody else is beaming and he's trying to suppress his 'cos that just wouldn't be cool! Smashing birthday pressie.

  11. It's a great quilt - I don't think he could have looked more embarrassed if you had flashed your knickers!

  12. Hee hee, too cool for school ;o)

  13. I love the quilt (and your nephew's half smile!)!

  14. Ha ha! giggling at the comments above! Love this, Judith, the pattern is so surfer dude, the shapes even look like surf boards! Well done, to one cool aunty! x


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