
Thursday 31 May 2012

Bee Blessed Block for June

Well May is nearly finished, and as I'm away somewhere (!?) this weekend, I thought I'd let you all know what we are planning for Bee Blessed this June.

This block is called 'Very Square Like Me; and has been designed by my super talented friend Sarah.  Hop on over to Sarah's blog to get the instructions on how to make this block.

Thanks everyone for donating Converging Corners last month.  We had a great response and we couldn't make up as many quilts as we do without your generous input.

If you fancy having a go at the June block, here are a few wee things to take into account:

As always, we are asking for 12.5" unfinished blocks, using white where we have used white.  Also, it would be great if you could use a solid colour where we have used solid, but the colourway can be anything you like.

A very special event is happening here on 23rd June.

This exhibition day will also be a fund raiser for 2 charities that are very close to my heart:

Bee Blessed and Oasis Ladies Quilting Group.

We are really hoping for lovely weather so that lots of folks will come out and support our exhibition and buy lots of gifts and treats that we are all in the process of making.

I'll be chatting more about this exciting event in the run up to 23rd!

Have a great Thursday all!


  1. Like the block :-) See you tomorrow!!!

  2. Love the new BB block - good luck with the preparations for the open day...after you've had the most wonderful time in London!!

  3. Great quilt block, love the pattern!!!
    Best of luck with your open day at your church, sounds wonderful
    Lol Karen

  4. I love the block! I have seen these fabrics and liked them. they really look great in your block.

  5. I'll pop the block on my post-Retreat To Do List xxx
    23rd looks brilliant!

  6. I too love this block too. I could give this one a try! Di x

  7. Fun block and hope the open day goes well! See you Saturday :o)

  8. Ok I believe you - you are busy in June! Good luck!


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